
Wikipedia's surprisingly good for these.

As a current uni student who, one month in, has already lost count of the number of shitfaced people I've carried home/held the heads of while they're sick, "Never have that last drink" is a particularly handy one on a purely practical basis.

I saw it here in the UK two nights after it opened. Observations:
- Dowd is right about it being not bad, but definitely not as good as Skyfall.
- The opening pre-credits bit in Mexico City is nothing short of astonishing.
- The plot twist is, indeed, both obvious and clunky.
- The scene immediately preceding the plot

If he's on HBO, are we finally going to get to see his tits?

I'm sure all four of Tidal's users will be thrilled at this news.

You make it sound like a bad thing.

"In the U.K. the word misogynist is barely used"

"at least now it exists online"

Because clearly Bond being gay and Bond being a rhino are equivalent and equally plausible situations.

Not even Fiorina at this point.

Those Direct Line adverts are basically just an admission that his career ended once Grand Budapest Hotel wrapped.

Old man in "has backwards views" shocker.


"Holy smokes, Batman, you were…amazing"

Sauerkraut has a decent claim to being the most underrated food in the Western world.

I am seriously considering moving to Germany at some point in the future, either for a couple of years or permanently; it's a pretty lovely place, I like the language, I like most of the people I've met and the food is far better than its utterly undeserved reputation suggests.

Come to Yoorup!

You mean there's a different way to eat bacon than shoving it up your arse?

The Australian A.V. Club
I've already accepted that everything is trying to kill me

"And the pig […] is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you." - Leviticus 11:7-8