
Police force in "Has at an institutional level the defence of the capitalist state, not the protection of minorities, as its primary purpose" shocker.

"And Harry Potter's just feet away from capturing the Golden Sni - fuck, it's raining, everybody stop what you're doing. Time for tea"

"Just some of the aspects of the culture that Americans cannot relate to."

The A.V. Club
eat butts

That the radio edit lacks that verse is fucking disgraceful. It'd be like taking the really heavy rocky bit out of the back end of Bohemian Rhapsody for "time constraints".

Having recently:
a) come out as bi to a couple of friends back home (but not my folks, who I think remain completely oblivious),
b) moved to another city for uni, and
c) recently visited an LGBTQ+ nightclub at which I unintentionally had more success in an hour than in the entire rest of my life so far (although it

If you're going to be shit at something, you might as well be monumentally shit at it.

We have no other Armenians here I don't know what you're talking about

I think Santorum's particularly good at tainting just about everything.

Pierre-Auguste Quinoa
Eugène Delacroissant
Francis Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato
Giovanni Foccaccio
Friedensreich Hundertwassercress

I'd never heard it before clicking that link.

Ha, finding something using Disqus. Good one.

While accepting that people have differing tastes and that's fine, Shatner's version is so much worse than the Pulp version that it's not even funny, even once the singing actually starts.

William Shatner's from Boston?!

"When Mexico sends its wankers, they aren't sending their best"

*Spike Lee angrily tweets The Rock's address*

the 88th edition of Hollywood’s most masturbatory event

Basically all of my recent comments have been raving about Under the Skin in one way or another, but either way; I am categorically not a fan of horror, being a colossal scaredy-cat, and I was astonished by Under the Skin.

The A.V. Club

I was saying Boo-ruce Willis!