
What those movies DON'T tell you is that midichlorians are actually a key cause of AUTISM amongst the children of Coruscant.

Thanks to the wonders of Moffat ex machina, however, we don't really need to worry about whether the Doctor's a bad character any more, because the genocide which defined him and his moral ambiguity in all of NuWho prior to The Day of the Doctor didn't actually happen.

We don't talk about Kill the Moon here.

No, Batman's just the old Miley Cyrus.

This deserves far more upvotes than it'll end up getting, however many it actually ends up getting

The A.V. Club
avoiding any and all human contact and spending most of my free time curled up in the fetal position

The Phantom Menace?

"Lethal weapons don't kill people. The English kill people"

I find the suggestion that weapons are in any way lethal, rather than those holding them, to be grossly grossly extremely very grossly offensive.

It's a good thing that isn't what this is about, then, really.

Es kann zwei Sachen sein.

I have no objection to an increased concentration of James McAvoy.

I was really pleasantly surprised at the "no commercials" aspect of it.

Having just seen Under the Skin last night for the first time, I'm still reeling from it, and at this point I'm basically willing to declare Jonathan Glazer a god.

Good luck finding 9 of them around here!


In Arabic (and subsequently in Islamic) culture, a ghazi is someone who's a warrior (later, as far as I can tell, a religious warrior).

I get that it's in no small part still a show aimed at children, but you're right in that it doesn't make the child characters any less fucking insufferable.

Because if you're not born in the Galactic Centre, you cannot be Supreme Chancellor. And, there is a real question. And if this birth certificate exists, you know what I get a kick out of? The Queen of Alderaan says, "I remember when he was born 100 years ago." I doubt it. I think this guy should be investigated. I

Galactic cooling is a concept invented by and for Coruscant.