
I sort of want to make a joke about the casting folk coming up to her and going "Here's our number, so call us maybe", but I don't quite hate myself enough to do so.

Point of order 1: Congratulations on the continued sobriety!

Does the memorabilia feature Pope Frank meeting Kim Davis, or would inconvenient reality get in the way of the "people's Pope" bullshit?

My personal take on this, and one that I'd suggest to a future spouse in the relatively unlikely event of getting married, is that we'd both keep our own surnames, with any hypothetical male kids taking my surname and any hypothetical female kids taking her surname.

The Martian 2: Well-Hydrated Boogaloo

That Ood two-parter and Midnight just by themselves make the Ten-Donna pairing easily the best of Tennant's time as the Doctor. Which it definitely was because, despite Journey's End being crap, it was that series, three series into Tennant's tenure, that RTD finally worked out that a "will they-won't they?" dynamic

Ludicrously Patriotic Games

The Schlock of All Fears

Every single one of those "*Show not available in all territories" asterisks is like a dagger in my heart.

"I thought SuperPAC was what you called your dick!"

The problem with that is that forest fires are only good if there are actually new things which can grow in the place of the dead things.

Trump is one of the few living human beings who I think could actually be a lizard-person. Just look at him.

Nobody does interviews better than me, believe me.

The main body is also ribbed for your pleasure.


No, it was pretty clear to just about everyone other than you.

It's almost as if that's exactly what Milkproof Robot was implying. In a humorous fashion.


"three male hookers who’d go in and save relationships by having sex with the husband and wife"

"When Mexico sends their dogs, they aren't sending their best. They're sending Chihuahuas."