Upvoted for comment/username-and-avatar dissonance
Upvoted for comment/username-and-avatar dissonance
You went for WOPOA over WOTPOTA as an acronym?
Would adding an extra "L" to it, to give "Dismalland", assuage your deep-seated rage, or is your urge to howl impotently at a portmanteau that you just can't accept too overpowering?
With Purgatorio and Paradiso as sequels, they can even turn this into a full-on franchise!
And its sequel, 2 Logging 2 Disqus
INSIGHT: Dutch Ranked As "Nation Most Sympathetic To Hollywood Action Heroines Running/Fighting In Heels"
The last time Holland attempted to explore Brazil, lots of people died and they got thrown out by the Portuguese after 24 years.
ThE Good Wife
"The Good Wife is a concept invented by and for the Chinese."
I always assumed it was pronounced Eye-k. I could well be wrong.
David Eick having a same that sounds identical to David Icke's, and working in sci-fi, is just perfect
I believe that idea is called "Season 2 of True Detective"
Pinter Happier
Climbing Up The Fourth Walls
Fake Plastic Set
Come As You Were
The Sanchezes and Smiths are going to Hawaii!
There may have been dogging involved in this one, I don't know.
The suspense is terrible… I hope it'll last.