What Other People Think Of The A.V. Club
idiots with terrible taste in comedy
What Other People Think Of The A.V. Club
idiots with terrible taste in comedy
Right up there with such massive compliments as "well, he does a better Cockney accent than Dick van Dyke".
Please, you're one of the A.V. Club's commentariat. You lost your innocence long ago.
Come and see the violence inherent in the system!
My guess is that the stone is going to inexplicably have breasts, which in-universe will be treated as entirely normal.
Curveball: the experience of cloning dinosaurs turns Scout into a convinced eugenicist, and the Finch family completes its three-book transition from bastion of liberalism to bulwark of Nazism.
I've always held the view that great actors and great chemistry are two essential components for a great on-screen romance. I sure hope George Lucas makes sure to include that in the prequel!
Great to see Queen deciding that actually, carrying on without Freddie would be utterly futile. It really prevented the band's legacy from being tarnished.
God knows how I've coped so long without an intricate understanding of the trading politics of the late Republic. I want to see some negotiations, damnit!
Then noted Irish band U2 decided to emulate that noble example by announcing that 2000 was the right time to draw their own career to a close, and ended on the high that was the release of Beautiful Day as a single.
For legal reasons I will have to stress at this point that I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Does that mean…we were the aliens all along?
It's all about awakening your inner mobster.
The Godfather
2 God 2 Father
The Godfather: Sicilian Drift
God & Father
God 5er
Gods & Fathers 6
Father 7
[insert comment about ElDan's basement here]
You might want to consider visiting an andrologist in the near future.
Cures for cancer for some, tiny American flags for others!
It's almost as if I wasn't being entirely serious.
If your criterion for "good" is "can produce carcinogens when brought into contact with ascorbic acid", then yes. Very good.
And a heart in a jar of dirt.