
Dude, the charity is part of the ballclub. So saying “the charity is instead given a pile of shit by the ballclub, and instructed to swallow” makes absolutely no sense. This is pretty obviously just one of literally thousands of obscure but benign accounting practices that amateur journalists and uninformed readers

I know, seriously. It’s like a cop in Baltimore standing on the corner yelling, “Why won’t any of these black people talk to me? They must all be criminals!”

My God, I cannot believe that Cardinals employees wouldn’t want to talk to Deadspin writers! What could possibly make them wary of saying anything on the record to such a bastion of journalistic integrity that does things like associate an entire franchise with a few racist nutjobs wearing “I am Darren Wilson” shirts?

Not that it isn’t a good idea to buy a house that costs as little as possible, but I don’t think “buying more home than you can afford is bad” is really the lesson from the housing crash; the lesson from the housing crash is that banks can get away with securities fraud on a massive scale, get massive amounts of

I think I'd be more excited for Red Dead than GTA V at this point, honestly. At least GTA V has a decent current-gen version now. Red Dead is just crying for a modern port, and richly deserves one.

Yeah, that last part is the key point to remember. I think there's some weird psychological tick in people that were gaming consumers in the 90's when there were actually situations where product scarcity was a thing. I have to CONSTANTLY remind myself that, hey, this game is still going to be around 6 months from

I have a hard time really putting my finger on why, but I actually genuinely enjoyed, had fun with, or [insert similar verb here] Papers Please's gameplay loop. I always felt like I SHOULDN'T be enjoying myself, but there was something about the sense of satisfaction I got from remembering the right things to check

Exactly. What a weird thing to specify.

I think it's more likely that they maybe anticipated this content to be bulkier and thus thought it warranted its own separate "campaign" like we saw in things like GTA IV's Episodes DLC. Then they needed to scale it back and it just ended up feeling sparse but the damage had already been done. It's probably easier

Oh, wow! A few hundred knuckledraggers bought a billboard! You've totally proven that everyone in St. Louis is completely in agreement with the actions of some racist shitheads! Because all Midwesterners are totally the same, amirite?

Oh man, you just made me realize how badly I want a remastered version of GTA IV with these first-person mechanics.

Yeah, because that's TOTALLY just in the Midwest. It's not like New York City has ever been stopping and frisking African-Americans and Latinos at staggeringly disproportionate rates.

I totally agree. That restaurant scene was disappointingly obvious plot contrivance (they had to establish Quinn as losing his grip on himself beyond just binge drinking and put him in a compromised legal spot somehow.) I just wish they had chosen a different route. Couldn't he have just thrown down with some assholes

Holy shit. This guy is even worse than I'd been led to believe. "If you don't want to be violent, get out of the crowd?" The COLOR OF CLOTHING they wear while stamping out rightful assembly? "Hey, we're not wearing green or camoflauge, so quit yer bitchin!"

No, no, no. You NEVER discharge lethal force just because you want to arrest someone for some nonviolent offense. You can only fire a gun at all if you have reasonable fear for your life or someone else's. There is absolutely no way the officer was justified shooting at all. Firing a gun is lethal force, period.

As another suburban St. Louis resident, I concur. The attitudes surrounding race in this area are disgusting; I can only count myself fortunate that the school busing program disabused me of this treatment of black people as "others" from a very young age. Of course, from what I'm aware that program was scuttled not

Yes, yes, and yes. It is almost always very easy to tell when people are struggling with the language because they aren't native speakers versus just being overprivileged, hateful jagoffs.

Good plan. You're in for a treat with Black Flag! The Assassin's Creed formula mixed with the Pirates! theme was just an absolute blast for me.

That OC Rape case was one of the most awful, stomach-churning things I've ever read about. But of course this joker would probably have voted to acquit. After all, it's TOTALLY plausible that the defense attorneys were correct that the girl was just a dumb slut who told them before she wanted to star in necrophiliac

This. I don't even hate my job, but it's nice to take some time off and the release of a major game you'd like to sink a lot of time into is a nice cheap way to enjoy your time off. Just last year I took a week off work for GTA V, and it was glorious. Watch Dogs isn't quite in the same league IMO, but open world games