
I always enjoyed customers who would buy a pack of gum to change the total if it was $6.66.

She patted her precocious daughter on the arm and replied "Oh honey, of course she believes in Jesus. She's Chinese. They've been saved."

When really Timmy's should just be donating them to my belly.

"Apparently, it took three days to construct..."

Same thing in retail. No ever cleans up after their kids.

Don't forget "hey, if you hate serving so much, go get a real job!"

Trans women are women. Even trans women who are assholes and have ideologies we cannot fathom are still women. Plenty of cis women out there with terrible ideologies. *coughconservativescough,* do they suddenly stop being women because they discount rape culture, or patriarchy, or are anti-choice, etc, etc. No. So

That's insane. Although I've worked PLENTY of time in food service, I've never been a server. I had no idea people even did this... these people and no-tippers (or crappy tippers) are monsters.

Look, this is what happens when you don't let gays marry, they don't have kids so they have a lot of disposable income to spend on sports memorabilia.

If I'm not mistaken, people worked less 40 years ago. And they didn't have to work more than one job just to make ends meet.

I would buy that. I could drive through a fast-food window, get an order of sauteed spinach with garlic, with a side of roasted lemon chicken and baked sweet potato. I'm in.

Yessssss. My husband is currently working out of state and will be for a few more weeks, making me a five months pregnant sorta-single mum of a toddler (but with the benefit of a comfortable bank account). The idea of cooking a real dinner completely from scratch while also having to make sure that the toddler isn't