
Just tank for like, 500 more years - tops - and you’ll make it to the 2nd round of the playoffs, eventually.

From 2002 people, 2002.

This fucking bitch ass, he’d be a fucking obscure nobody that no one had reason to listen to if it weren’t for his mother and he has the fucking nerve to pull this shit?

The real way to remember the victims of 9/11 is for the “True Patriots” to skip memorials while others attend to hold a secret vote.

Way to exploit the death of a loved one just to “own” someone on a false pretense. Pathetic carrion.

Trump: “I may have to go for an extra term.”

Probably worth mentioning that the reason Democrats didn’t show up, and the entire reason they were assured there were not going to be votes in the morning, was so they could attend a 9/11 memorial service (I mean, you can just imagine the fucking right wing conniption that would accompany Democrats holding a surprise

What? It’s been A MONTH

“That’s like re-segregating the country, why would we want that? Besides of course the reasons Tucker Carlson and I lay out every night.”

I mean to remember all that stuff in that brief amount of time, even if only for a little while, is still pretty impressive.

On the one hand, stealing is wrong. On the other hand, god damn. That’s a clever way of stealing someone’s credit card.

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

Bipartisanship for Republicans just means Democrats shutting up and voting on whatever terrible bill they’re trying to push through lest they be accused of being troop hating socialists. 

White LGBTQ men and women, including white people who are gender non-conforming in some way can certainly be racist.

A no deal Brexit will help distract from the fact that her son is a child rapist.

That’s where I’m at too. Same thing turned me off of Walking Dead when Dwight showed up, killed Denise in cold blood, and then within a few episodes was supposed to be this guy just struggling to survive.

This is right on time. My job is crushing my soul and my self esteem. It helps to read the comments and not feel so alone.

This. I can do my work, that my company allocates 40+ hours a week for, in like 5-10 hours. The rest is just showing up to meetings and filling out forms as necessary. After that I spend my time trying to look busy and trying to hide the fact that I’m mostly on the internet... you know, like right now.

It’s good because I knew from the start that is was coming, and it still managed to deliver. “Turf toe” was perfect pitch. The Magary-style aggressive capitalization works, too.

He already took the fucking money. There was no going back from there. When has capitulating to bad faith Republican criticisms ever been a winning strategy? And he's already running on a moderate platform, so really, what does this do other than make him look weak and indecisive, the main characteristic of all