
The puppy is great, but the best part is that the family didn’t bring him home till a few weeks into the season so they get to keep him for seven years instead of six.

The Warriors gave up a 31-point lead?

That’s the trouble with terrorism, the secrecy.

 Allowing a game to come to a pause so that two people can punch each other, with the result of that fight having no effect on the outcome of the game seems like a major oversight by the rules committee. 

After all these years, an annoying white guy who won’t go away finally gets me to root for Duke.

Counter point, perhaps the people that have been there for years should have been doing a better job off addressing the needs of their constituents and not just solidifying their power by trying to triangulate the american people into supporting them.

I don’t know if I agree with the last point on edibles, as it’s quite a bit easier to overdo it with edibles, which can be a far worse trainwreck than smoking too much.

Time to push Pramila Jayapal for speaker.

Except Griffin is actually still good.

Regarding the “Last Hearth” wall art...

My only guess is that they really are shit in their pants cowards that are deathly afraid of brown people.

I like basketball

Have you met their daughters?

The problem is made even worse by the fact that the establishment Dems are barely even pretending to protect Omar because she is upsetting their donors as well. 

You know what was awesome about Paul Pierce? Kevin Garnett.

My favorite part of this article is the description “former Washington Wizard.” 

Convo with my Aunt:

Its rather amazing that our educational system still focuses so much on solitary learning. When in most workplaces you work in teams, cooperation and teamwork is key.

Add golf to that. If I spent less time playing golf I would have more time to not play golf.