
Man, those rappers sure are ignorant and uncultured. If only they were real artists, like Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, and David Bowie. I bet then they’d know a lot more.

As a Seahawks fan, I can tell you that there are a number who are still very bitter, but most of the self-proclaimed 12s couldn’t tell you who was quarterback before Russell Wilson or coach before Pete Carroll. Hell, they might even tell you that a picture of Mike Holmgren is really of Craig Stadler.

Especially since they stole it from Texas A&M, who have been calling themselves the 12th man for almost 100 years, and actually have it copyrighted. I’d love to see them sue the Seahawks and never hear that garbage from them again.

Eh, I doubt most 12s would know what you’re talking about.

Man, on the heels of B.o.B.’s bullshit earlier this week, it’s like everybody has to disagree with Newton.

You know what really makes Seahawks fans look petulant and stupid? Referring to themselves as ‘12s’. It was nice when you were an up-and-coming team, but now it’s time to shut the fuck up with that.

they had all of recorded human history up until about 2003 to get good at it.

Is it just me or do Seahawks fans remind you of people who came into money quickly, only to discover they can’t handle being rich?

27? Fuck. Pre-frontal cortex AND amygdala consumed by CTE? Just fuck.

Mommas don’t let your babies play football as babies, either. This case is important because it shows that it’s not necessarily a long career in the NFL that does it — the damage done when playing peewee, high school, and college count, but no one talks about it. Scary shit.

In the sense that only someone without a brain in either organization would want to trade either of them, yes, it is a no brainer.

“Trading a dollar for a handful of nickels provides you with valuable metal not flimsy paper!” - some goddamned person with the 76ers.

Next up: I think ketchup tastes bad, so I don’t eat it: a 7000 word glimpse into the human soul.

“I am having a hard time believing a grown man wrote this. “

I am having a hard time believing a grown man wrote this.

I have another trick. Don’t live up north.

Do get some salt and/or cat litter or whatever stuff helps snow and ice melt more quickly, and use them, before the snow arrives. Spreading this stuff on your walk/driveway/parking spot is a lot easier and less time-consuming than shoveling. It’s a good investment!

Josh Smith, a guy with multiple locker room altercations already this year, gets traded for nothing. A few days later we learned that Blake broke his hand in an “undisclosed team-related incident.” I bet the two are related.

The University of Missouri Law Enforcement division released a statement as well, stating they will not rest until they find a black student to arrest for providing the cocaine.

The highlight of my life arrived when I fired up a vid console and saw me, LT #77, right there in virtual reality. Every time one of my kids hits another milestone in their pathetic lives I have to go home, turn on my PS2, and see me, LT #77, in crystal clear virtual reality, in order to feel anything at all. My