

This probably didn’t help:

Strange to see the ref selling a hit

Offering the 2nd option feels a little weak. I think the more effective method that I try to practice is — “My suggested next step is...” and leave it at that. I wouldn’t be in a position to suggest a next step if I weren’t an expert, and if they weren’t looking to me for guidance. So if I think the best option is X,

This is going to be such a glorious shitshow.

I’m so glad this team that I have unnecessarily invested so many emotions into for nearly twenty years fired the best coach it had employed in over a decade for having too big an ego before hiring a coach with an even bigger ego, who sucks.

St. Louis, of course.

The truly scary proposition for Network TV is when someone there actually realize that Nielsen numbers are total bullshit.

I think the most unbelievable part of the patrolman’s story is that he didn’t repeatedly shoot Chandler Jones.

They are so wealthy that they wear it as pride to say they don’t care what you thousandaire’s think...

He looks like Marv Albert in witness protection.

Pretty adorable in the classroom, but I bet it got awkward at recess when he was the last one picked for kickball.

I feel like the follow-up questions were: “Cat? Good. What kind of cat? A tiger! Good! What kind of tiger? Not a Siberian of course, maybe something Indian with say, Bengal stripes maybe? Please say Bengal!”

As an NCAA football player (at the time), the only incorrect answer to the psychologist’s question is human being.

Shit and I thought I’d have the most offensive comment on this thread.

holy jeez +1

The NFL tests for marijuana, so instead of inhaling smoke or vapor from a plant, guys choose to put this chemical nightmare into their bodies. Drug policy across the board is broken and incentivizes behavior that leads to awful shit like this.

Perhaps it’s because a friendly police department may have deleted things that are part of the public record, which is against the law.

Seems silly, that's the best a man could get?