
“We’ll give you twice the sardines we gave Jimmy T.”

Those are baseballs, idiot. And he still gets to eat them all by himself.

PROFESSIONAL BLACK not what Esfandiari plays.

And I thought the strongest reactions to the Rams leaving St. Louis were posted this morning.

You got to know when to hold it.

Whenever the End Times come, we need to make sure we save Antonio Cromartie for re-population purposes.

Having sympathy for St Louis sports fans sure is a bizarre sensation.

But remember guys, Football is Family!!!! You know, like how sometimes family members will very publicly abandon your family that has cared about and supported them for years because they find a different family that will make them more money.

Reporter: “Lots of Raiders fans will be happy you’re staying.”
Davis: “Where?”
Reporter: “In Oakland”
Davis: “Are we?”
Reporter: “Yes, the vote came in and the Rams and the Chargers plan was approved.”
Davis: “What plan?”
Reporter: “For....the stadium....In LA.”
Davis: “I like turtles.”

“America. The world is a possibility for the Raider Nation.”

I’m assuming the quotes in the tweets sounds like something Trump would say.

Quit being soft. It’s going to be uuuuuuge.

Goodell went on to say about the players: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, do not play for Cincinnati.”

Goodell: I think this is going to be one of the great complexes in the world, perhaps even rivaling my God complex.

That’s the most polite “Go fuck yourself.” I have ever heard.

love it love it love it... for those too lazy to click the link to read Mayor Nenshi’s response:

Peter King’s open letter is essentially erotic fanfiction for Roger Goodell. King doesn’t even have to be in the same room as Goodell to help get him off.

Labor - all the risk, all the blame.

I hope the players read this and then never give PK quotes ever again.

The NFL is the tobacco company telling us that cigarettes dont cause cancer.