
Ah, the Great White Maybe™ strikes again.

She never should have put herself in the position to be criticized. 

Bloomberg looked like a kid who forgot to unthaw the chicken and heard his mom’s keys jingle in the door when Warren read him for filth 😂😂😂

Rather than align herself with Hillary, Kamala, Kristen and Amy”

Yeah, let me make this easy for you: it was an incredibly high concept at the time because the group of friends on Living Single was Black. Jfc, this entire thread of yours is just embarrassing.

he said a lot actually, one part of what he said was that if you insert a virus at one end, it will successfully make to the other end, without being intercepted along the way.

Thanks, but I refuse to use sarcasm tags.

Can’t imagine what you mean, he didn’t say a word about Rogue One.

Charlamange slow dances to Old Town Road.

I’ve had a bunch of those. That’s just emotions, not emotional immaturity. If I dealt with it by turning around and kicking my dog, that’s emotional immaturity.  Everyone feels things.  Not everyone hurts others because of their feelings.

I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off

There will be flat out breakdowns over being reminded effectively that you should do what you love in life rather than slaving away at something because society told you that you had to. Shit, I’m about to start crying right now.

Docter said the plot of the film was inspired by his son

I worked at a department store when Furby came out and...

I’m sorry, I thought I was ready to talk about this. 

That Andy Dalton Feeling

It’s a strange and sad fact of how sports works in this moment that the number of people who cared about poor Andy

Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.

Holy shit I love all of you.

That is what we call a “landmark firing.”

Look, I am 100% for people (re)discovering their faith. But when I listened to this album it really confirmed for me what I’ve suspected for a while now regarding Ye’s own “born again” path. It’s the path that people at their lowest find, and it fills them with so much euphoria that they just go headfirst in, not even