
O ye of little faith...

Since this is the Browns, I half expected to hear that they hired Jonah Hill.

“You’re too old to be yelling!”

Nantz is, for all intents and purposes, an NFL employee. The only person who considers him a journalist is Jim Nantz.

But that game had two 7-footers.

This. All of it. Thank you.

There were no formalities needed to ‘fire’ Jim Tomsula. They just don’t pick him up from the day laborers in the Home Depot parking lot anymore.

Aaaahhhh, OK. I see your point, and I can agree with it. Well, I do laugh about jackholes like these, and I take the whole thing seriously. I don’t wanna live in a world like that, either, but what can I do? Lead by example, is what, and so for me, that means not being a dick if I can help it, not legitimizing fringe

Can’t argue with that. You’re giving me something to think about, too. What’s so scary about them? Did I maybe miss something in your previous post? (I’m not challenging or trying to be a wiseass, I’m sincerely curious. It’s possible that I missed something.)

Well, fella, for what it’s worth...if these guys were black, or brown, or pink or chrome, I’d still think of them as idiots. A bunch of idiots standing around in a rec center, making vague statements about land and the government and the Constitution and pretending they’re all big in the pants.

Dude, when your redneck uncle literally takes up arms against the government, yes, he is a terrorist. AB’s whole argument is predicated on “dumbass” and “terrorist” being mutually exclusive, which they’ve never been.

or it will die of tuberculosis.

Like Erwin Schrödinger himself, this comment will never receive the adulation it deserves.

Schottenheimer’s cat: the unknown state of a football cat where not knowing if it was smuggled in or found at Arrowhead forces us to think about it as simultaneously both smuggled in AND found at Arrowhead.

Deadspin may be getting more traffic, more notoriety, and even performing legitimately excellent feats of journalism that blow the traditionalists out of the water (Moskovitz/Howard longforms especially, but you know what I mean) - but it’s good to see you stay true to your roots. This is the best journalism.

I can has cheezhead

And the other generation, handed the opportunity to fix the world, is busy protesting bad sushi in a college dining hall by calling it “cultural appropriation.”

For those curious: Robert Sarver was born into a prominent business family in Tuscon, Arizona. His father, among other things, ran a savings and loan where Sarver worked as a teenager. Sarver started on the road of super richness in 1994 when at age 33 he started his own bank in Tuscon.

“Look, avoid social media at all costs. It prevents you from being grounded and experiencing the real world.”- Robert Sarver

Will you be appended to something unrelated like the dumbass i09 and gizmodo thing?