
“For example a print icon to make articles easy to print”

Samer’s dad is the best.

The real question is what Deadspin reader sent in this tip and is trying to find some soap watching buddies. Or as he probably hopes to refer to them ‘My Story Bros’

The shameless cross-promotion in that video is amazing. Almost as amazing as the highlights I’ll get to see when I watch the College Football Pl

This, made my whole entire life

Chacho’s(some are called Chacho’s and Challuchi’s) in San Antonio and now Houston. Open 24 hours. Be warned there is a chance you get shot at the locations but the flavor makes it worth it!

Literal conversation yesterday:
Me - *reads news ticker* Huh...George Pataki dropped out of the presidential race.”
Wife - “Who?”
Me - “A guy...I guess, who was running for president and is now not?”
Wife - “Well, good for him.”

Typical symptoms of concussion include:

But enough about the NFL’s relationship with its fans...

It’s like if you treat people as pieces in a machine rather than as human beings, they’ll resent you for it.

Yes, how fortuitous that they just happened to know this particular car was an Uber car, carrying a wealthy NBA player. I’d take a close look at that driver...

Why would anybody want to rob a roadside?

Straight outta Hollywood. I smell a setup.

Jim Tomsula is a Pennsylvania guy.

Asking a reporter if she think she’s a “great person” has never sounded more coded for “I want to punch you in the face,” than right now.

His team may have underachieved and missed the playoffs...

I believe in Buffalo that is called “foreplay”.

I purchase the squeezable mayo.

Drew, you’re ignoring the best part of Christmas week (at least if you work in an office): it’s the one time of the year where nobody really cares what you do while you’re there. People at my company all the way up the ladder will roll in two hours late every day that week, take a 90 minute lunch and leave by 4. The

Thanks for writing this! I am an adult learning how to swim and I must say it is one of the most difficult things I have ever done. I am slowly getting there, but it seems my body is still always tense (similar to the guy in the video). It gets frustrating when I am in my lessons and telling my body to do something