
That’s a lot of steroids

Remember when Tommy Tuberville was at Texas Tech and he left DURING A MEAL with a recruit to take the Cincinnati job? Got a phone call, stood up and left the room and never returned.

Maybe they could make it fair by fining the coaches for their shortcomings as well?

I am the imp of the diamond. I am the chief trickster of swingball. I will fool the men in the pressed slacks and bend their mind with my foibles. Look over here at what I have in this hand, Rule King. Oh no, friend. It was what I had over here in this hand, the one I didn’t want you to spy with your pig’s eyes, that

Counterpoint: Fuck the goddamn Yankees in their puckered baboon assholes.

But there was something different about Paul O’Neill. I can’t quite put my finger on it but he Worked hard, played Hard, was really Invested in the Team, and was Everything else you want in a teammate.

My favorite part is when they show his earlier double. He over-slides 2nd base and the announcers said that he “goes into Ryan for no reason” when it a) was a typical over-slide, and b) he didn’t touch Ryan.

I’m glad you went easy on the guy. I mean who are we to judge Joe Brown.


I think all us Mets fans should start a fund to get the extra money to get Gomez. Here, I’ll start with $100 of my own dollars. Okay, now 10 of you give me $100 and I’ll put in this account I have with an incredible rate of return. If each of you can get 10 more investors, you’ll get AT LEAST a 50% return, AND 25%

I like Drake, but now he is better than anyone else in terms of ‘staying in his lane’? What does that even mean?

Of course Bass didn’t respond, that reporter was looking for treble.

No, dumbfuck. This country was founded on the idea that a governmental body heavily intwined with a preferred religion wouldn't impose one belief system over another.

I never knew how desperately I needed to see a dog try to catch a taco, but now that I have, I'm just so satisfied.

I always wondered what happened to Braylon Edwards' dog.

I think I love you.

Oh please, tell me more about the system I worked my way up through for a decade from host to server to manager, before becoming an employment lawyer. Tell me all about how the law fixes everything because everyone follows it and it's so cheap and easy to sue them if they don't. Please tell me; I need a good laugh