
Even granting all this, Trump is worse in all of those criteria. He is more hawkish (other than toward his daddy Russia), he’ll be far more friendly to Wall Street interests than Hillary would have, and is proposing massive tax cuts for the rich while slashing social programs for the rest of us.

Attacks on Clinton were enough to get people to vote for Trump. That, and this mealy-mouthed false equivalence bullshit that you’re engaging in right now.

I should be well and truly over the many and varied descriptions of Trump by now but “short-fingered piss golem” - well played sir!

She’s an intelligent person who has spent the majority of her adult life in public service. In terms of virtue and decency, she wouldn’t have much competition from the vast majority of former presidents, low a bar as that might be.

We had a choice between a flawed non-lunatic and an extremely, fatally flawed lunatic with a penchant for sexual assault. We chose poorly.

we’d get endless congressional hearings about bullshit if clinton were president, effectively shutting down government for 4 years.

My expectations and hopes are unbelievably low. I’ll actually consider the next four years a success if there are no nuclear weapons deployed and no significant land wars. I’m assuming that the economy, the social safety net, and basic human decency are already doomed.

Let’s face it, 240 years was a pretty good, if not unprecedented, run for any republic. Now you’re all set for a despotic banana republic. Good luck with it.

Don’t insult 5 year olds.

Incorrect. My 4.5-year-old is much smarter and more concerned with facts than this dingus. You’re looking at about a 2.5-year-old right here.

I know someone who acts like this. Some people are just pieces of shit.

SInce he’s looking for entertainers for the inaguration,maybe he could get R. Kelly?

This makes me want to book a spa day at Mar-a-Lago and piss all over the place... in the sauna, the pool, the massage table, the hot tub, through my terry cloth robe and into the deck chairs.

With this, and the reports he actually owes billions more than he owns, he is firmly cementing his legacy as the piss poor president.

This is a sicker burn than syphillis.

alternate headline:

The fact that Ajayi’s shove of Dupree was judged equivalent to Dupree’s dirty hit on Moore is why the NFL is a joke.

and us Gen-Yers... don’t exist anymore :(

If you think they’re going to blame their Trump vote when their benefits get cut, you’re more optimistic than I am.

Hahaha, no of course not.