“Don’t be like Jay Leno”
“Don’t be like Jay Leno”
He was always funny and really clever. The office was such a different and amazing show and so are his interviews. You may not find him funny and that’s okay but you can’t disregard that he has given us one the best / funnies show :)
have a good day
“When did the college admissions scandal break?”
That’s the magic of Christmas you’re feeling, made even better by knowing that a bunch of bigots will now have a slightly less jolly Christmas.
I prefer the Karen Coalition. They vow to speak to as many managers as it takes to make sure everyone else is as miserable as they are.
One Million Moms, a.k.a. Two Broads in a Basement.
Perhaps we could combine the two.
The guy recording wasn't resisting when they cuffed him, and he still got his head slammed into the wall!
They will say 'he should have cooperated'. Those people don't have a shred of empathy or common sense to have to go any deeper than that.
I admire your restraint with regards to Ted Nugent. For example, you could have mentioned any of the following facts:
That’s beyond nerve. “The nerve!” is what pearl-clutching white women say when they feel moderately slighted. This is fucking appalling. Like even if I gave this cop the benefit of the doubt-which the video removes-I can’t imagine what the hell any quadriplegic could do that would call for them to be tackled and…
Same thing they do for mass shootings, “he was a lone wolf/acting alone, has mental health issues, etc.” They’ll never admit to the systemic problem.
I wonder how the Blue Lives Matter crowd are going to snap their spines, bending over backwards, to defend this shit.
Ugh. I forgot about that Jerry Jones BS.
I don’t know the intentions of the NFL but as much as I’d like to see Kap playing again and watch the ensuing NFL gear burning videos, I’d rather see Kap, for his first workout, just kneel midfield in front of all 32 teams.
The catch is, this is the league’s way of finally putting his name to rest. Now the league can say we tried everything but the owners and GMs just dont think you’re ready.
All the Buzz about Disney+ left my family asking “Woody or wouldn’t he sign up Day 1? The ones who said Day 2 hit the Bullseye. The rest can Slink away.
Relax everyone, it’ll clear up soon. Seems a bit daffy to get all worked up over such a minnie issue.
I knew the launch was gonna be goofy.
What kind of a Mickey Mouse operation is this anyway?