That thing was horrifying....Gingrich that is. The fish was fine.
That thing was horrifying....Gingrich that is. The fish was fine.
Alaska? Also known as, “The place that the people who already owned Siberia were desperate to get rid of.”
I believe these days that’s called “a CNN contributor unaffiliated with the Trump administration”. None of these guys are going to suffer a bit when there’s the lucrative worlds of cable news punditry and/or lobbying.
I just want to say a big thank you to whoever finally removed that god awful fish with teeth devil-thing that was haunting my “you might also like” bar on the left. THANK YOU!
b) Nobody could complain about my listening to Christmas music.
As a Jew, working on Christmas was awesome.
Heathers are even worse.
I assume the religious right will execute anyone working on Christmas. After all, no true Christian would be working. Only filthy heathens.
Randal: Something just never sat right with me the second time they destroyed it. I could never put my finger on it-something just wasn’t right.
Dante: And you figured it out?
Randal: Well, the thing is, the first Death Star was manned by the Imperial army-storm troopers, dignitaries- the only people onboard were…
Remember when the storm troopers were stand in for Nazis and everyone knew that that was a bad thing?
+1 antler
So this is where the buck stops.
Look if you just follow the stormtroopers orders there won’t be any problems, stop resisting. #MakeTheEmpireGreatAgain
Also the Black Stormtroopers (Death Troopers?) are the only ones that actually seem like competent soldiers
Plus the whole thing is a metaphor for abortion. Galen Erso designs something (the Death Star/a baby) and creates a way to blow it up/abort it before his creation can ruin any lives.
How the balls are you getting Christmas presents already? It’s only Dec 16th you grubby one eyed robot. Put that shit back under the tree.
What people don’t get is those Stormtroopers had families. They’re just doing their job. #whitelivesmatter.
That’s no moon. . . .