
White supremacy is a hell of a drug.

Fucking EXACTLY. I want to see this bitch work at a fast-food restaurant for minimum wage for just one week and see how her views change. They probably won’t though because she knows she gets to go back to her cushy government job that pays her more than enough to live on, where she can then preach about how “it

They learn it. When you have large swaths of the country who have taught their children that anyone who doesn’t look and act like them is less than human and worthy of nothing but scorn and disgust, AND it’s been going on for numerous generations you tend to end up with people who have less empathy for the suffering

Welcome to humanity, where cruelty sits at the side of indifference, inaction, and apathy.

It’s the “I Got Mine” school of politics. Unless there someone in her family struggling with it, she gives no fucks. It’s like a politician being against abortion or gay rights until someone in their family needs one or is one.

Dick Armey would like a word with you.

To throw my hat into this. I used to give the salvation army, but then found out that it was a homophobic organization that helps everyone but the LGBT community, and this “liberal atheist” would rather give to organizations that don’t discriminate.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if more Christians actually acted like Christians?

They should probably vet him before he visits. Then put him through some advanced interrogation, just to determine what his intentions are. Then if necessary, place him in some sort of camp until they determine what to do with people of his kind.

Holy crap. That brings tears to my eyes, in a good way, but also in a bittersweet “why can’t more of us be like that guy” way.

Ok, cougar:

Nope, he came forward after the pic went viral. The guy manages a sign shop there, had slow day last Friday so he made up that sign and went down to the local mosque. According to him, he’s a devout Presbyterian, and letting his fellow citizens know they are loved and welcome was a good deed that he felt was required

High five to that man.

This should do it even more. Haven’t had a picture move me this way in a long time

Either this joke is genius or I’m just too old and understand the reference.

Is it weird that this actually renews my faith in humanity a lil bit?

As a business owner, if I have to pay a McDonalds worker $15/ hour, those costs need to be borne somewhere. Its either through automation (ordering kiosks to eliminate headcount) or increased product price.

You really didn’t think this through, did you? What sort of impact do you think raising the minimum wage has on the price of an extremely high-volume seller like McDonald’s? McDonald’s has a lot of employees, sure, and raising the minimum wage will have an absolutely noticeable impact on their labor costs. But they

Valid points, but at the end of the day in order for businesses like Mcdonalds and its like to exist it needs workers. Regardless of the work you do, if you are working 40+ hours a week you deserve a sincere livable wage. When automation starts to occur at a faster pace we will have to be thinking forward towards a

That makes sense in theory, but looking back at decades of mininum wage raises, you don’t see any of these employment issues at any significant levels. One of the frustrating things about economics is that some things that make intuitive sense don’t actually happen, and vice versa.