
And because of exactly that, that is exactly what will happen.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Words are not enough to convey that.

I am so sorry for your loss. All of you on this particular thread.

That’s when you tell them to ride in the cargo box, right?

Hence the back-to-back World Championships... ;P

I could never get into F1 after I moved from Toronto to Calgary for two reasons:

I have to say this to you and to all the commenters in this thread;
Thank you. Thank you for not making this some asinine pissing match. Thank you for not dismissing valid and historical facts. And thank you commenters for not merely responding with a mongoloid answer of “racing is dangerous, safety measures are

I don’t have the answer but I’ll tell you I had a really good chuckle over watching that. That’s some funny shit right there. Made my day. In fact, I’m going to watch it again!

Why you have so few stars for this is beyond me. I know it was requested but job well done. Now come pick me up.

Why on earth isn’t that a ground rule double? Would seem to me to be the logical rule.

I’m with you on this too. Also, you have a question about basketball. I get that this whole Drake thing brings an element of celebrity to this final but questions like this are dumb.

I grew up in Toronto and I will say this; you’re right to point out that the city is far from perfect and shit like that shouldn’t be ignored.

Now playing

No mention of BABA Booey eh? Interesting.

Yes....let’s go with that.

Although I like the Huskies name, I’m glad they didn’t go with that because of the fact that;

Being a football fan, I agree there’s something classic about the non-shticky team names of football clubs around the world. But there is something a bit boring about it for NA team sports. I think it’s because in Europe (and around the world), a football team draws it’s name from the city or municipality or even as

You’re kidding right? This is a joke right? Tell me this is a joke and I’m just too damn tired to see the irony/hilarity/cleverness of it.

Holy sweet fuck!

The man.