
YEAH! Screw Harper!

This is as close as I could get for you:

I dunno but I’m sure as fuck glad there were no cameras on me at work yesterday...

I know you’re just linking a tweet but this deserves so many more stars by proxy. RIP Grumpy Cat and Long Live The Iron Sheik!!!

Funny, he wasn’t wearing them in the game where he pitched though.

What I wanna know (knowing that no one, amazingly, was seriously hurt) is; what’s in the boxes???

I’ve never been a big fan of Spider-Man but I have to admit Tom Holland, and to a greater extent Marvel/Disney have done a great job and I’m looking forward to this.

It’s funny that so many people saw that as a somber, beautiful and impactful scene. My buddy pointed out after the movie was over that I was laughing at them tripping each other up in an attempt to sacrifice themselves. Apparently I was the only one. Apparently I have problems.

They have a YouTube channel and you can watch full races on there (and when I say full races, I mean over two hours of coverage which includes the practice runs and qualifying sessions). I haven’t figured out if they live stream it (I’ve only watched highlight on YT, and that was just this weekend) but it wouldn’t

I’m not the one bitching on website about a batter getting plunked for acting like a 5 year old after hitting a homer saying complaining about the “unwritten rules” as how they are unfair to the LOOK AT ME type of athletes.

Oh..and look at how much Anderson’s showboating paid off: fucking moron is too busy doing the whole LOOK AT ME thing that he fucked up running the bases and caused Abreu to pass him and took away a run and a homer.

I grew up in Edmonton.

My eldest (now approaching 9) is an ultra sensitive kid but he is infatuated with the MCU thanks to his old man. He doesn’t do well in movie theatres (we had to leave Incredibles 2 last year) and although he reportedly did quite well with his mother at Dragons 3, I employed the method of showing him and his little

As a Maple Leafs fan, your ranking made me laugh.

I absolutely love my Phoenix Orange Elantra:

He’s doing AAA play by play in Buffalo. His soul is essentially crushed at this point.

If I want to play a game of hockey with my friends, I pay $400 to rent the ice at my local rink for an hour. So it’s cost prohibitive to get into the game, which means a lot of people don’t grow up with hockey in their lives.