Except there is no “10 years down the road”...
I have trouble with your take on this. I, ME, personally have loads of options, paid and free, to watch content but I still go to YouTube quite a bit. Of course, I have the wherewithal to spot shit that I don’t have any interest in whereas children do not.
I don’t blame you at all. My ex and I are going to have this conversation with our 5 and 8 year old TODAY. But instead of just saying “YouTube is banned unless we are actively watching with you”, we will also be relaying the message (to the older one for now at least) that if they DO come across some horrid shit, that…
Imagine how I felt when my ex-wife sent me the link today, not even two years after the suicide of her nephew destroyed our family. I was literally sick to my stomach since my boys watch Ryan Toys reviews entirely way too much.
And yet not a single person called her out for it at that moment (I’m assuming because I can’t stand to watch her so I made a conscience decision not to click play on that clip).
I would thoroughly enjoy this. Immensely.
Fuck...I’m having “I want to smash these two fuck-faces to pieces” overload right now.
I wish so badly that our price would hold politicians to the fire like this.
I don’t care how small he is, and I’m fully aware he’s non-violent, but I would still fear crossing him in any capacity.
I’d like to see you say that to his face. He wouldn’t waste an ounce of physical energy on you but he would soundly annihilate you with his words and his intellect.
You’re only discovering this now???
And it’ll continue for ever and ever and not a gaddamned thing is going to change. There are too few instances of reporters holding them to task and even when they do (As Berman attempted here), it seems to make no difference at all.
I don’t even believe any of these assholes will be headed to “federal pound me in the ass” prison. I’m convinced they’re going to “white collar resort” prison. And that makes me furious.
I miss George Carlin so much...
That Johnny Cash song is my favourite on the album!
Nick Cannon started wearing a turban for a while. He said it was to encourage people to embrace our differences. Nick Cannon is not Sikh. Nor Muslim.
Yup...pretty damn good!
So awesome to see the Foos cover “No Attention”! I think that is one of the most underrated Soundgarden songs!