
Thanks for pointing that out about the helmet. I too only follow hockey peripherally these days but it always made me nuts when guys’ helmets would go flying off.

Because Buffalo is a shit-hole and everyone should just leave that gawd forsaken place and let it inevitably burn to the ground like it deserves.

I’m a day late but there needs to be WAY more stars for this comment.

OOoohhh...I like this one.

I want the same things you have described here. But I’m sorry to break it to you, but none of that will ever happen and he’s so self absorbed he will never EVER feel like he’s done anything wrong, no matter how much punishment and suffering he won’t be subject to. Because this world is a cruel fucking joke and there

Yeah, apparently that someone is Texas. Again. 

We Canadians refuse to acknowledge that piece of shit as one of our own. In fact, we’d like to retroactively revoke his birthright citizenship.

Yeah, regardless if this was an innocent mistake or a blatant move to do whatever he wanted regardless of what the play call was, threatening his family because your team lost by his actions in a week 7 game is fucking deplorable.

I came here for this. I didn’t see any ultra violence in the game though?

I too was a big fan and after being disappointed (yet again) by someone who’s entertainment I enjoyed, I found it rather easy to avoid his work.

I sorta agree with you on this. My ex-wife would put hers in the freezer but if kept there for a long time, I didn’t like them being rock hard. I prefer them in the fridge for a good hour+ so that they’re cold all the way through but not like mowing down on a jawbreaker.

I’m a Scout leader for my kid’s Beaver-now-Cub pack and we taught them the Hug-a-Tree method. We even had local Search and Rescue come out and speak to the kids for one of our meets. We taught them all sorts of amazingly simple life-saving techniques to avoid dying in the woods while lost. The best and simplest one

I didn’t take that at all. I’ve had my fair share of experience with mental health issues (both personally and with loved ones both in house and out, etc), and I would agree...his tone and public handling of his not being permitted back to work very much looks unstable. That’s what it appears to me.

Generally, you don’t have to “live with that” if you aren’t aware of it or if you think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being that person.

The first question was “was it an inside job?”??? Seriously?

My name’s Chris....can you slot me in there?

I’m not surprised deNiro was targeted but I’d think the following would be targeted in order of visibility, severity and frequency of criticism:

I haven’t read his book but I recall hearing an interview or podcast with him recounting how his life spiraled afterwards.

Hey, a decent Oilers fan! High Five!

I live in Calgary (kinda) and although yes, we do have Sox and Pats fans here, I’ve yet to come across the like you describe (maybe by sheer luck). And I was married to a Pats fan (and no, that’s not why we’re no longer married but some might say I should’ve thought twice after discovering said fandom).