What if all the buffets refuse entry?
What if all the buffets refuse entry?
Also, fuck that guy. Fuck him. Seriously, fuck him.
I’ve lived in Canada all my life and I can categorically say my experience (and those of my rather larger extended family) is contrary to yours. In fact, my son’s specialist referral will be fulfilled in less than two weeks.
At which point do we as a civilized country admit that our leader is compromised by his business ties and throw him in prison for treason?
I would love that we never hear from him again...because I barely lasted 40 seconds of that clip before I had to stop it.
Look, I’m a pretty terrible IT professional (case in point, I’m inexplicably watching Chex Quest right now) but even I would’ve picked another site to test!
And I’d like to add that one can be forgiven yet still suffer the consequences. This is from personal experience.
Live in a world where Fox News, Breitbart, etc doesn’t exist?
I can’t decide if I want this to be real or if I want it to be a joke. I know this for sure...it’s unbelievably hilarious!
Both pilot and co-pilot have been taking taken off the flying roster.
That’ll be an improvement.
Or his Tim’s un-spilled.
I’m kinda shocked you don’t have more stars for this.
Chill out, dude. Have a chocolate bar.
I’m with you. The sound is likely his glove hitting the panel there as he catches the ball. It’s a catch.
Fuck, my dog is Tom Brady!
Actually, I think Michael Thomas and DJ Lethal are the same person. Ponder THAT for a bit...
Crazy, I did not know that. Quiently indeed...or is it?
The more important question here is, why is this article on Jezebel???