Free Range Gray

I’m laughing because these idiots want to build a private city in the middle of a desert. Guaranteed none of the pretty blueprints and 3D mockups have considered basic infrastructure. And it’s not like California is known for long draughts that are only getting worse thanks to global warming. I give it three years

Affordable housing would force the intermixing of The Poors with the The Rich, which is not permitted by their rules. Therefore I suspect “affordable housing” is what mere millionaires can afford in single family homes, while the multi-millys will have the mega-mansions on the mesas.

There’s a billboard up just north of the 680 bridge in Solano that purports nearly half a billion dollars in downpayment assistance for new homes.  I highly doubt that’ll come about and I’m sure it’ll require certain income restrictions.  Meanwhile, the home prices will no doubt force those who could qualify for the

I’m still interested what these fools idea of “affordable housing” is going to be. Like are their own employees even going to make enough to be able to live there?

Gorr’s a very compelling character in the comics. He’s both incredibly right and justified in being furious but also completely broken as a person and hurts everyone and everything he touches. Part of what was lost in his characterization is the brutality which I guess they didn’t want to show. He doesn’t just kill

Newly discovered Russian heritage at that. Guy got a Twenty-three and Me and then started dialing down his list.

People think DS9 only got good when the Dominion stuff started?

“This sentence demonstrates that those who seek to betray our country will be held accountable for their crimes.”

Dang. I was sympathetic and ready to go off on a rant of how the American capitalistic system combined with a serious lack of financial education has caused desperation... until you got to the part about his motivations stemming from his Russian heritage. 

Trump will get another term as president for giving away top secret info to anyone he wanted to impress at parties.

Now, however, I think a more apt descriptor might be “maniac.”

A good tailor knows how to measure twice and cut once.

I love Garak, and I love DS9 (best Trek series, IMO). Sisko and the Federation were by this point quite desperate, and when one is that desperate you go to plain, simple Garak for solutions

Hey right-wingers, please keep up this “let’s cut Social Security” thing that Trump stepped in. I’m sure it’s going to poll exceptionally well with the Boomers in November.

Everybody that I know who is elderly, who is retired, is dead within five years.

So let me get this right: most people die 5 years after retirement, so there’s no point for saving for retirement. Also: most people live for 26 years after retirement, so its too expensive for social security to take care of them.

I’m starting to think that the person who named themselves “$wag Messiah” might be a bit of a dumbass.

We really need to get rid of this myth at people WAY back when lived significantly shorter lives. They didn’t. The reason life expectancy was so low was because of high child mortality. If you made it to age 65 in 1940, you were expected to live until about 77 or 78.

According to (

I'm retired 6 years. I'm not dead. I wouldn't call it stupid, more "fucking awesome."

The only people dumb enough to listen to these idiots are the ones who will never be able to retire because they don’t make enough or have made stupid decisions so they want to drag everyone else down.