Free Range Gray

Is my quantum battery fully charged or not? “You’ll have to open the lid to see. Yet i’d guess the chances are fifty fifty”

Absolutely. It’s 100% racism. If he was that concerned about America’s dropping population (it’s not dropping btw), he wouldn’t be cozying up to Border Wall Trump, he’s be lobbying hard for more immigration. But he wants more white people, not more people.

Yeah why aren’t these young people, who are spending every penny they have to live in one bedroom/studio apartments, having massive families? And don’t we seemed primed for it too? What with our plummeting population, there’s so much free space, jobs for all, affordable nutritious food.

Of course no mention from Elon of maternity/paternity leave, health care, day care, etc.

This n*gga just need low-wage workers...

Huh, and here I am thinking I was in the wrong because a regular disagreed with me!

We should be doing the exact opposite of what billionaires suggest we plebes do.

The First Amendment has never permitted fraud and anybody who says it does is probably a defendant in a case they are about to lose.

I’m not a billionarie, or a policy maker, so maybe some of them could try to actually do something instead of the type of lip service Musk peddles.

I get the feeling elom hasn’t actually read any of it. More likely, someone told him what the books were about (30 second “elevator pitch” style, probably). I’ve read a few of the Culture novels (I’m admittedly overdue for a re-read) and my recollection is there’s a lot going on overall, and a quickie summary doesn’t

Sounds like Musk building his own personal hell. Everyone being rich like him but with no purpose would rather quickly take away the one thing he really cars about: everyone’s attention. Why would anybody pay him an iota of attention when AI could do literally anything he could come up with better? I almost want this

My knee-jerk reaction is to think “take Iain Banks’ name out of your goddamn mouth, Elon”.

Did you just transport here from 1760? We still need people to write the code. And before that happens, we need people to build the machinery and mine the minerals. Do you really think that some web-based A.I. code is going to dig its hands into the ground in D.R. Congo? Who will build the warehouses where the

When it comes to Elon Musk and his companies, the first 80s reference that springs to my mind is Robocop and Omni Consumer Products...

I am still waiting for that free time I was supposed to get with increased productivity using automation and networked systems.

Musk went on to say this most likely version of reality is based on the Culture series written by Scottish science fiction author Iain Banks. The books describe a socialist society in which a humanoid species and artificial intelligence agents live in relative harmony, creating a “post-scarcity” economy. Musk is

Won’t happen: government answers only to their donors, and late stage capitalism/corporatism requires the masses to be kept poor, ignorant, and desperate for its function to come to fruition: resources and accessibilities, and power over our lives/rights moved from the masses to the few. It has always been a system of

AI has absolutely demolished my industry (I’m a Voiceover Artist). A LOT of my bread-and-butter; phone trees, museum exhibits, training modules, etc... has been completely supplanted by AI (and no, only a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of the industry is union eligible, that’s not helpful to the vast majority of voice

Well, better get that Universal Basic Income going now!

“Provided by who?”