Free Range Gray

It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy to be suspicious. It very well have all been too much for him, but to automatically dismiss suspicion because of your disdain for “conspiracy”...

You need to try to develop some empathy.

Even if it was a suicide, which I doubt (why in the parking lot?), Boeing is still 100% involved in his death. 

Yes yes I know the actual Michael Caine line but given Keaton has a whole section of Montana (thanks to Batman Returns money apparently) this is more approriate.

Unless you’re right in the path and look up at the right moment and not a second before, if any bleeds out of the edges you’re looking right into the sun like an idiot.

I will be closer than I’ve been in a long time to the totality of this, and I guarantee you that it will be cloudy this day such that I won’t get to see a damn thing.

the bts doc for The Phantom Menace is probably one of the best documentary thats ever came out. its like watching a trainwreck in slowmo.

I was a teenager when the Prequels came out, and at the time I was totally swept up in their cultural zeitgeist. I was a prequel-apologist for a couple of summers, and was always willing to overlook those films’ flaws because “Episode III is going to fix everything.” And while Revenge of the Sith is certainly the best

LOL imagine having an ego so fragile you get yourself sent to jail because of it.

That's the most shocking news about this whole thing.

Wait a minute... corporate executives actually got jail time? That’s quite surprising.

Eh, they still waited for the convictions before pulling this trigger.

Bigness is a known troll. You’re far better off just dismissing them instead of replying.

You’ll get a fair trial followed by a first class hanging.”

I mean, they could recast with Terrence Howard.

Would be poetic.

Yeah, I get the feeling that after this whole debacle, going forward all of Marvel’s big crossover villains are just going to be giant CGI purple aliens. 

And c’mon.
“Free speech” issues are when the government gets involved in your speech.
The. Govern. Ment.
Heck, even before Musk took over, Twitter was a company, which meant in our whack-a-doodle nation, that company had all the same rights as anyone else to run their company as they saw fit, including deciding who or

We absolutely know that Twitter is not moderating this content and thus is in violation of the EU law. Recent leaked documents show that Twitter is actively NOT taking action on the worst type of hate speech on its site, busy going after things like people saying “cisgender”.

Someone here or on social media commented that Zaslav looks like a South Park character come to life and it’s honestly impossible not to see.

Just screaming into the void here about how conditioned audiences are to think of “universes” as some kind of vast entertainment package instead of just enjoying goddamn “movies.” Jeez, Shazam 2, Flash, Blue Beetle and Aquaman 2 are the results of tons of artists busting their asses to make something good. Blowing it