Free Range Gray

This might actually stop me from buying another GM product. GM infotainment is some of the worst in the business and guaranteed to fail. 

Even better start an EV company and have them be ICE vehicles and declare that they get unlimited range.

The current Supreme Court doesn’t give a fuck about Musk or Tesla. If his cars automatically detected women trying to get reproductive care and forcibly drove them to police stations, they might care.

I’m going to start an EV company and declare that my cars get unlimited range.

It totally is a tough sell and an immensely stupid idea, but it scares the hell out of me that the current Supreme Court could buy it.

Elon Musk proving once again that he’s an idiot that doesn’t understand anything, much less the first amendment.

“False advertising is protected by the first amendment” seems like a tough sell. Imagine how much worse things will be if they win this case?

Just coincidence that Trump had pics with them, it’s not like Trump is some fucked up weirdo that sexualized and talked inappropriately about his own daughter when she was young or anything.

Some in my own family kept trying to sell me on conspiracies during COVID. As an RN in a leader role I was involved in managing parts of the testing process (order, collect, send, etc... whatever needed), I saw so much absolute bullshit on social media about what data was being collected and sent in regards to the

Unfortunately, their likely delusional response...

Musk calling someone a pedo means they're likely doing something right more than anything.

They have all these massive conspiracies yet no proof as the more people it takes to keep a secret the faster someone blabs. It’s why despite all the dangers you still get rats and snitches in criminal organizations or governments, people can’t keep their mouths shut or they get an axe to grind. At a certain point

Does seem at least as little suspicious.

The two prevailing theories on Musk buying Twitter are:

PizzaGate was never “debunked” for them, they just quietly moved on... until Musk threw it back open. This is what will happen with Trump when he loses next year, and all of his fanatics will just quietly stop mentioning him, until they find something else to go nuts over. 

He isn’t trying to bankrupt Twitter. He really thinks he is using it to lead some war on “globalists,” of which he is probably the most famous example of. 

Or at Comet Ping Pong Pizza either.

The most bizarre thing to me about this is that they haven’t moved on to another wacko conspiracy theory. I thought they done moved on from this by now

To this day Comet Ping Pong employees receive death threats because of PG, and can now expect a fresh batch of new and creative threats cause of this douche canoe.

The “problem” with Comet Ping Pong is plain as day: The restaurant is owned by a gay man. That’s all it takes for conservatives to assume that he rapes children. That also explains why cops and the FBI generally didn’t care, why it was so difficult to get reliable security, why evangelicals and religious zealots get