Free Range Gray

You know, I’d like a Jewish actor to play Magneto. The most high profile Jewish character in comics and he's only been played by Gentiles.

Antisemitism has always been part and parcel with conspiracy theorizing, If you want to find a medieval equivalent to “chemtrails” or “vaccine truthers” you can find simlilar ideas in supposed Jewish blood rituals that required kidnapping children and human sacrifices.

Soros is the Goldstein in the right wing 1984 universe. There is one liberal billionaire and he makes them lose their minds.

Am laughing at the Soros fascination with conservatives. It’s amazing how one man was elevated to such boogeyman levels from literally donating to just and humane causes.

Because they want to show the world that they’re big, smart boys who got rich all on their own because they’re so smart and not because that got a huge head start from birth.

After reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of him I’ve come to the conclusion that you shouldn’t self treat your bipolar disorder with a combination of Red Bull and Ambien as he does. It leads to impulsivity which, when combined with his background, then leads to very dumb behavior.

There is no doubt Apartheid Clyde is racist and has shown antisemitic leanings in the past. I do wonder how much of this current rush towards it is down to the ADL calling his shit out.

Is it really fair to call it a Deus Ex machina? After all he’s a Norse God and the stories give you all sorts of weird things they can do.   He’s then been given time powers by Kang and centuries to practice them, and it doesn’t really seem that out of nowhere to me.

Wow, thanks! That is a really well put argument for it that I have not considered. Take a star!

Thor survives a blast from a neutron star, which isn’t perhaps on the cosmological scale of holding together the fabric of reality for all time, but the godlike powers of all the Asgardians has always been elastic, according to story purposes. They’re always operated in a zone between superpowered characters with

I loved the way the timelines transformed into Yggdrasil as Loki ascended to godhood. I’ve always been frustrated by Marvel’s portrayal of the Aesir as superheroes rather than cosmic beings. This was the first time thus Loki felt like a mythical being, bringing Ragnaro k to some time lines in order to preserve others.

He Who Remains all but outright admitted that he had manipulated things to give Loki the timeslip powers. They didn’t come from nowhere. And he then spent centuries using them.

Miss Minutes is a Ultron variant.

After what I felt was a massively muddled season, where a lot of stuff was going on but not a great deal seemed to actually happen, that finale nailed it. Loki’s slow walk along the gangway and up to the throne, gathering the timelines as he goes, has got to be one of my favourite MCU moments of recent years now. He

This show is miles worth of difference better than anything else in the MCU.

This season was all about Loki’s growth and self-understanding as a person, and coming to terms with himself as he meets his own destiny. All the other stuff was just props on the way to get us all there.

It wasn’t that He Who Remained got bored. It was that Loki finally said “why don’t you ever fight back” which tipped him off to the fact that it wasn’t their first meeting. Which is why he was also surprised when Loki stopped time and was like “what makes you think this was the first time we had this conversation”.

I sincerely hope that the next show you’re assigned to review/recap is more interesting to you than this one has been. 

This was a glorious finale that capped off the best character arc in the MCU. I’m really going to miss Loki, both the show and the character. This was a bit of a muddled season of t.v. but the performances kept me watching which was really rewarded in the end. 

You completely missed the point of Sylvia working at McDonalds. After being born a god and running from apocalypse to apocalypse, she just wants to live a normal life. Working at McDonalds in a normal life. It’s not a shameful thing. It’s the type of life that millions of people have.