Free Range Gray

I mean, is this an issue unique to AI? If I can’t afford a foundry or a semiconductor fabrication plant then I probably shouldn’t get into industries that require those things. “I can’t afford it” was only even a slightly acceptable argument when it comes to individual consumption but is never going to fly via “I have

Tech douche bros always gonna tech douche bro.

“Imposing the cost of actual or potential copyright liability on the creators of AI models will either kill or significantly hamper their development.”

Oh no now we won’t be able to read your incoherent ramblings anymore. 

Why are tech billionaire always complete fucking idiots?

“Imposing the cost of actual or potential copyright liability on the creators of AI models will either kill or significantly hamper their development.”

I am the caretaker at Splinter, which is still online with fully functioning Kinja comment sections. I will ungrey any Jezebel mourners who wish to leave condolences at the Splinter link below. My customary mode is funereal, so this will be no imposition.

That blows chunks. I’ve been here since Erin Gloria Ryan was still working finance (in Chicago?) and she was commenting on the sly as “Morning Gloria”.

If there’s anyone still around, please drop a story so we’ll have a place devoted to commiserating with our fellow-Jezzies about the closure.

Genuinely bummed out by the site closure. I’d like to express my gratitude to the Jezebel staffers for generally being good sports about my tomfoolery these past few years. I’ll confess to having some Tomato-style accounts here. Yes, I was Crystal Jewell, the 25-year old grad student from Iowa — along with some

I’ll miss Jezebel. I’ve been on it since 2009.

I’ll miss all of you. I’ve been commenting here for a decade, enjoyed many great writers, and met a lot of wonderfully kind and thoughtful people. Thanks, Jez. I’ll miss ya. The 500 days of Kristin will never die!

Wow. That just hit me like a punch in the throat. Devastated for the staff, their families, and these who genuinely engaged with the site over the years. I’ve been commenting for about ten years now. Jezebel has been part of my daily online life for a decade. Ugh.

The actors strike ends (pending a vote) and Jez gets shut down for good. Thanks for the memories Jez.

So the companies that thought they could replace the actors with AI found out how little power they actually have. This is a win for the actors and fuck you to the media companies.

They don’t know the timeliness are dying. Loki’s reason to save the TVA isn’t that the timeliness are dying, it’s to stop Kang’s variants. The fact that the timeliness are dying is something they *just* realize when Sylvie sees it.

I often feel like our politicians should pick up some good sci-fi books and read... you know what?

No... no, I take it back.

It's not about wanting anyone back, I don't want the original cast back, their story is done. What drove me to fatigue is that we didn't get a chance to catch our breath after Endgame. They plowed forward. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say, and we needed some of that. They just kept the firehose open

The Earth-Moon Langrage point is not a stable orbit. If we could get it there, (a big IF as you noted,) it would still drift away in just a few years without active course correction.

If you’re embarrassed by anti-fascists criticizing someone with the same opinion of trans people as the OG Nazis, you’re probably a fascist.