Free Range Gray

Setting aside the legal issues Jonathan Majors is going through can we acknowledge that he absolutely steals the show as Victor Timely? He is fantastic in the role.

I can’t give you enough stars to bring this up to the top.

Definitely a strong episode, possibly even in the upper echelon of the D+ slate as a whole despite Majors’ presence. As the AVClub review noted, Loki saying “You can’t just give people free will and then walk away” is a good glimpse as to where he’s coming from at the moment. I also like the theory that -- at least

Oh hey, Miss Minutes finally did that thing you spoiled back when you reviewed the first episode because you couldn’t be bothered to remember when anything actually happened in the show you were reviewing.  

I bet toojayzee wants to make the existence of fire illegal too, since you can use it to burn houses down. Or water, since you can drown people.

As with most things that only became shitty because of Reagan, you can blame Reagan. He repealed the Fairness Doctrine. 

I mean, when you turn the userbase from a pile of assholes to a 90% pile of far right wing sleazeball jackasses and boot licking sycophants who worshop Elmu, is anyone surprised that noone wants to touch it?

The plan was always to sell the debt. That’s what banks do with big loans like this. It generates cash to invest with and spreads risk around. It’s just that the damage he has done has made it impossible for them to get a reasonable price. There was speculation the Saudis would buy it up in anticipation of him

Elon “myspaced” Twitter and is shocked it’s failing... A socially-inept person shouldn’t own a social network at all.

I’m going with the TVA’s true purpose is to prevent incursions. The loom allows the TVA to exist outside of normal time. If the loom fails, the TVA is no longer unstuck in time and thus, can no longer adequately prevent incursions caused by all the Doctors Strange, Spidermen, Kangs, Deadpools, Wolverines, Agents of

Did any of this make sense in your tiny brain? I assure you it doesn’t.

That is fine. Take your time. There is no rush. The James Bond brand is strong enough that people will still remember it even if takes you 7-8 years to figure out a new take.

When ChatGPT could’ve been more readable in this summary, than the human who half-tried.

Disney has the money and cachet to hire some of the best lawyers in America. DeSantis is hiring right wing flunky friends as opposed to seeking out the best lawyers. It’s why Disney was able to pull a legal fast one by getting the outgoing board to sign over pretty much all its power over to Disney preventing the

G/O is also most likely not paying them enough to care so they don’t go the extra mile and they don’t care about the little things like its vs. it’s. 

Strange that you feel that way and I feel that this was Marvel’s best television episode. I’m not arguing, just noticing the difference.

Also, the state of Florida just granted Universal Studios the same sort of tax district that they stripped Disney of.

(Side note: The Republican state legislator who sponsored the anti-gay bill/law has just been convicted of various crimes related to stealing money from the government.)

I think it’s far more likely she’s his daughter

If LA is anything like Chicago the boys in blue are frequently active members of street gangs, which sometimes gets awkward when they're rivals.