Free Range Gray

Like the article notes, it comes down to the bad behavior of the police resulting in the poor performance of the system since it only is looking at the police reports. Essentially its a research trying to put together a history and the only source of info is an unreliable narrator.

At most these programs can tell you there is a lot of crime in a place where there is a lot of crime.

Like ShotSpotter, it’s basically just an expensive black box that manufactures probable cause on demand.  The actual technology doesn’t matter as long as it’s plausible enough to convince a judge.

Let me guess how it works. Not white = criminal.

Alright three employees need to shave their heads and get in a sense-dep pod for the angel investor meeting at 3. I know we’re just giving them vague crime statistics based on zip codes and these historic redlining maps, but we need to zhuzh this presentation a bit. Make sure we pick the three most alien looking

This is the perfect combination of peak sarcasm and peak truth.

Between things like this and the drive to “reform” education, it’s clear that the technocrats are excellent salesmen to upper management types.

They aren’t doing it correctly.

The computers aren’t doing what the police asked? Have they tried shooting them?

It’s nice to know that hundreds of millions of our tax dollars have been spent buying these services from tech ghouls like Peter Thiel for such ‘fantastic’ results....

To put this into perspective, 394,736 mph may seem screaming fast, but say we want to visit the closest solar system to us, Proxima Centauri? It is approximately 4.25 ly away. The speed of light is 671, 000,000 mph.

Cut poor old Tim Scott some slack, he’s really going through a rough time with people asking him about his imaginary girlfriend on the campaign trail. 

LOL see IMO though it sounds cruel and probably is I would never swerve for something like a rabbit.  Sorry not sorry I am not going to risk getting in a wreck just do dodge something small enough it wouldn’t even damage my car.  I mean I am going to slow down and try not to hit it.

It shocks me the number of people who are (or at least act) utterly ignorant of Labor History. Crossing a picket line got you injured. There was violence. People died. Senator Scott is more than welcome to repeal the NLRA if he thinks he can, but it’s the law of the land, which I believe he took an oath to uphold.

Driving on a highway at night through a remote part of Eastern Oregon after a snowstorm with my two high school friends, on the last leg of a road trip. All of a sudden there’s wild rabbits all over the dozens and dozens. We can’t slam on the brakes because we’d go out of control on the snow. I just had

The article outlined it very plainly. He does have people working for him, who do have a legal right to unionize. How likely is it that campaign workers want to unionize? Not much, but they still have the right, and this language violates that right.

The fact that people like you and Elon Musk aren’t actually doing anything about things like this besides making whataboutism posts trying to own the libs tells me that you don’t really care whatsoever.

Uh, this journalist made sure that the video was turned over to the police and they charged the suspect with murder. It’s hard to make a media circus about law enforcement when they are actually doing their jobs.

Pretty sure we just learned everything we needed to about you, lol

I’m starting to think this Elon guy might not be that great.