Hey, this go-around for “Carl Weathers and Aliens” didn’t result in him losing an arm, so... hooray?
Hey, this go-around for “Carl Weathers and Aliens” didn’t result in him losing an arm, so... hooray?
At this point we have made what amounts to a deal with the devil. And it all boiled down to money. We “ Have” to be friends with Saudi Arabia due to their control over the oil supply as well as their influence in the middle east. Nevermind that its one of the most repressive countries on the planet where most of the…
Have you seen some of our allies? Saudi Arabia doesn’t exactly want to make the world a better place either. That has nothing to do with it.
This is the plant my state’s governor rejected. Stupid grandstanding.
Just bring it to Mexico and cry later that we took your jobs.
“Act your wage"
It’s well-documented how Elon Musk dislikes the Toyota Production System and its emphasis on organic human organization and growing talent, instead of just buying more robots. But you don’t see other automotive CEOs having to sleep in their factories micromanaging production...
Well that’s just how it works. If you prove to be an efficient worker, you get rewarded with more work, not more money, duh.
I would largely be happy with government oversight over a corporation in the name of safety, if that government weren’t the Florida government, which consistently obfuscated and altered COVID health data as they saw fit for political purposes, likely resulting in the deaths of innumerable Florida citizens.
That’s the problem and really the whole point. I agree that corporations and these theme parks should be held to a higher standard than this self-reporting bullshit, but DeSantis and his nazi cronies aren’t really trying to make anything safer, they’re just trying to punish Disney. If they expanded this to apply to…
What’s the end goal with this anyways? You delay the state agency from inspecting Disney’s rides as a power play? Congrats, half of WDW is closed and nobody visits. Disney cuts back on operating expenses due to lack of business, which means massive layoffs like at the start of 2020. Except oops, Florida’s entire…
Chris “unannounced bridge maintenance” Christie is weighing in on officials using the government to punish people they disagree with? Really?
So is the state going to take responsibility for accidents on rides they’ve certified as “safe” in a scenario where this comes true? (For the record I think DeSantis is full of hot air and he just continues to dig himself a hole where all of these highly specific, targeted rule changes bolster Disney’s case).
Yup, nothing wrong about him liking men. What’s wrong is he is sending this to underage boys and acting like that isn’t the fucking problem! Some of these MAGA creeps are the pedo’s they think everyone else is.
More like three minutes.
“Nothing unlawful has occurred”
“While my audience is familiar with me battling [same-sex attraction], others aren’t as familiar. I apologize for any inappropriate messages sent over the years,”
Hold on, I think Peter Jackson just found his next project.
Yeah, it wouldn’t surprise me if “45 minutes of footage” would’ve been edited down to like 15-20 minutes or so if it had made the final film.
Lawd. 45 minutes isn’t a scene - it’s half a goddamn movie!