Free Range Gray

The article is a textbook Ad Hominem fallacy. The BBB can be bullshit and still correctly identify the other BBB as being bullshit.

Feels like 8. Can we just call it 8 and elect Oprah or some shit like that today? It’s not like Trump would notice.

Oh we’ve already lost.

This HOA has a contract that people signed, and it probably has language that allows it to enforce stupid, asinine rules.

I was just thinking a huge picture of a dong would work, but I like the cut of your jib.


Ok. Now is the time. That terrible photo of you the one time you tried a banana hammock? Cardboard blowup just inside the open garage. Your questionable sex toy collection? Hung on a clothesline at the top of the door. Your Andy Warhol tribute art depicting HOA board members seductively devouring various meat

Hmm. When Sager was sick, I mentioned it in passing to my neighbor, who I don’t even think is into sports. She said something about him being an asshole and it involving his first marriage. I blew her off as being nuts, but I guess maybe she was right?

To Whom It May Concern:

“Oh hello, nothing out of the ordinary here fellow neighbor.“

Your reply would have been funnier if you said she became legendary for filing a law SUIT.

Sager honored his older children in the best way he knew how: by leaving them standing on the sidelines.

I give it an “F” too, followed by an “uck LaVar Ball.”

Yeah, Yelp fucking blows. My mom made probably the only internet comment of her life on some restaurant’s Yelp page bummed that they got rid of their brunch. Yelp had it removed despite claiming that restaurants can’t have stuff removed.

While you make a fair point, Ball then cited Yelp as a credible alternative. Yelp is every bit as bullshit and corrupt as the Better Business Bureau. Their business model is to essentially extort businesses into paying to modifying their rating.

Where’s “Shits self on live television, pretends not to enjoy it” ?

Dear sir(s)-

These young men and, really, more and more people are seeing that these young men, and I’m telling you the papers have been writing about this and about how I’ve been very strong in this regard, these young, strong men can actually be tied together with, I guess it’s this type of plastic cord, plastic cord that is

“hey bro, send some my way”

Not wanting to be outdone, Sean Payton decided to send Ron Rivera a bottle of something special bearing his name as well.