Free Range Gray
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Why use ESPN? He plans to address the fans directly.

Remember when everybody hated this guy?

You see! You See! It’s not just a song about a fiddle contest! IT”S COMING TRUE!!!! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!

“Clearly this is a hoax perpetrated by the Fake News MSM. The Deep State very clearly planted that shit in my pants. Sad.”

Isn’t actually a second-place game?

“There are some very good players on both sides, on both sides.”

I could do without seeing or hearing from that fascist, dictatorial, tyrant at all tonight if you ask me.

In his defense, I’m sure ESPN would hurl some gotcha questions at him, like “Which team do you want to win?” and “What sport is this?”

+ 1 UCF National Title

Jesus, Barry. Show some damn respect. They’re Depend-brand Fit-Flex Underwear for Men.

Um, Barry, you got a slight error here.

Now he’ll get to spend more time at home w/ his favorite family members:

Christ, with that setup, given a gun with two bullets, I’d shoot myself.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

Hockey refs are pretty chill because hockey respects the unwritten rules.

Determined by coin toss as per the Marquess of Queensberry rules.

“Hey assholes...thanks a lot!”

“Big Bang Theory ain’t got SHIT on Big Baller Theory.”

LaVar Ball Joins Alex Jones, Bill Walton In Monday Night Football Booth

Lavar Ball Only Looked At Tentacle Porn Because His Wife And Kids Didn’t Think It Existed