Free Range Gray

In Alabama he can now run for Solicitor General, and be endorsed by Roy Moore!


“Jeez, and I thought killing my wife was the worst thing this guy would do.”

Even as a cop, this charge is going to be tough to beat.

The D-Feet-ed sign is a good ‘un. And Rex Ryan agrees.

I was born and raised near Cleveland and am old enough to vaguely remember the 1964 championship (eight years old at the time). As a kid who didn’t know better, I the Jim Browns of the world grew on trees and championships would always be on the horizon. Well, my family moved away when I was in seventh grade, but I

Now that’s funny

Uhh...the Raptors are above the Cavs?

Landing is one thing. Will there be enough runway for it to take off?

The cost of that labor has nothing to do with it.

Bulls***. Costs have already doubled multiple times in the past 20-plus years while wages have remained quite stagnant. Your argument sounds good on paper but falls apart when you look at historoical finances.

Good god, the fact that you actually believe that is what will doom us.

Those slack-ass baby boomers set a pretty low bar in the parenting department....

I like how when taxes are cut for the rich and we criticize it, we all get yelled at about how “it’s not a zero-sum game!!”

Right...but this presumes anyone is interested in the working poor being able to retire (except, obvs, the working poor). I mean, look, I am speaking from an economic point of view. Double wages for working at McDonalds and you accomplish very little other than raising inflation and increasing the costs for consumer

No way her mom showed her the texts. I think She would have said “my mom showed me” or “my mom told me” not that she “read those text messages to my mom’s phone[.]” The passive way she wrote it was glossing over that she was reading them without permission.

Totally the parents are allowing co-dependent behavior on both sides.

Excellent. Hopefully, Roy Moore and his equally repulsive wife get their asses handed to them in court, after having paid a small fortune in attorney’s fees.

‘Laxatives are for gross people, mostly fatties, or old people. Coffee cleanses are for people who *care* about their body, their temple, their root chakra’s health! Goop is a wonderful organization that really *gets* me, and respects my health. There’s no reason to smirk like that, Pat, it highlights how unbalanced

Ashton Kutcher’s friendship and business partnership with Danny Masterson makes me give his advocacy for sex slaves serious side eye.