Free Range Gray

So with Duke gone the mighty ACC has 1 team in the sweet 16. The Pac-12 has 4 and the ultra weak Big Ten has 3 and the SEC has 3.

Asshole Republicans caused Duke to lose a game. For the first time in months, I’m remembering what it’s like for the world to make sense.

Though there’s some fucked up irony in South Carolina getting something because North Carolina did something regressive.

For real, nice to see Duke get tripped up. Time to get white boy wasted, K?

Every time Duke loses in the second round, an angel gets its wings.

If no one on SC had the presence of mind to tell Grayson Allen “Have a nice trip! See you next fall!” then this win should be vacated.

I don’t need people saying fuck while giving each other permanent long term injury and brain damage.

There was a third complaint that said Lady Gaga can’t melt steel beams but the FCC is in on it.

I fully anticipate my kid’s first words will be “What’s this motherfucker doing?”

I have serious questions for parents that afraid of hearing swear words. #1 of which is “how the fuck do you drive with your kids in the car??” Or is it just my kid whose first sentence is gonna be “feel free to use a fucking turn signal, ya shitwad.”

Nah, this is par for the course. “I got mine, so fuck you” is an age-old American tradition, as is old White dudes getting those less fortunate than themselves to act against their own best interests. 

Harrelson is a terrible talent evaluator

Maybe Berman but he’s a different type of awful. Say what you will about Caray, Buck, Brenneman and Albert but they actually call the game that’s happening in front of them. That’s the job description. Hawk doesn’t even do that.

Harrelson is a terrible talent evaluator, a uniquely insufferable homer*, kinda racist and

Challenge accepted.

If there is a worse broadcaster in professional sports, I haven’t found him or her yet.

I think the only reason they’re looking at Popovich is because fellow Indiana native John Wooden hasn’t been answering his phone for 7 years.

And the ass back in assault.

Well he’d put the ass back in Assembly Hall, that’s for sure.

“Really? Can you have Coach K give me a call? I’d like to discuss the possibility of him teaching his method to me.”