Free Range Gray

“Pansy ass punk kid with his fancy ass college degree from some fancy ass college. Pfft. Back in my day, we got better by punching walls under our hands bled and drinking ourselves goddamn stupid! That kid’ll fucking NEVER have a ‘stache like mine.”—Gossage muttered as he sauntered back under his rock.

Did he stop having sex too, or what?

Getting drunk AT the sporting event? Who am I, Rockefeller?

You know what these guys really need? A $54,000 per year tax cut so that their conspicuously consumed dollars can trickle down to the 24 million who are soon to be without health insurance.  

“Where can I get some of that? Asking for a friend.”

Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.

I remember way back when I was in high school learning about the Guilded Age, I thought, “It sure is great that I live in the future where things are so much better and people will never be that stupid and corrupt!” And my history teacher told me Republicans were trying to tear down our societal gains and bring us

Sadly, the pitchforks remain safely stowed in the tool shed, as many in the lower socioeconomic classes that should be riled up remain smitten by the racial purity programs being implemented by a sentinent artificially flavored orange marshmallow and his cabinet of 1%ers, Jesus Freaks, and lovers of Nazi porn.

Vehicle Service Agreement and Maintenance pre-paid for $4,500 - That is a LOT of maintenance for a brand new vehicle.

Sir, there’s a “Baylor” on Line #1.

Dead silent, even.

Death is no reason to upset S.O.P. in Happy Valley.

Joe Paterno chose to remain silent when he was asked for his plea.

THOR: “Hulk! How did you come to arrive in this arcane realm?”


To save time, I’ll just look back at all my life choices.

5 stars, would watch.

“Hulk, uh, finds a way.”

I buy it.

There better be a really, REALLY good explanation at some point about how Hulk got from autopiloted Quinjet to planet outside our solar system.