Free Range Gray

Nah, but yours seems to enjoy it quite a bit.

Just spitballing here, but one way of avoiding this nonsense might be to hand a 10 game suspension to a player who gets recalled and immediately gets a match penalty. There’s no other reason Sestito was called up except to fight and to unleash dirty hits. He’s has no place in the NHL.

Fighting in hockey is dumb and should be banned. Having said that, fighting in hockey is dumb and should be banned.

Parents with spoiled little shits in one building, well-mannered adults in another. Can we make this permanent?

In Buffalo, they would say Taylor—

“Who are our options? The kneeling kid with a ‘fro, a breakable old man, or Smokin’ Jay? Yeah, let’s just pay Tyrod.”

No Romo was not going to fall in their urine-soaked laps. Romo would fall through a table on fire and they were very concerned he would immediately go on IR for the season.

I figured it was just don’t let her near any stars.

You make an interesting point and now maybe I’m all for this.

I think this is great, because it will ensure that there are less kids in the theatres without jungle gyms.

“But it’s a *dry* indifference”

Right? And they only follow the letter of the law, not the spirit, because they feel nothing is open to interpretation unless they say it is.

Oh hey, look, a conservative cherry-picking which parts of the Constitution to support what they want at that particular moment, er, just like the Bible. I sure didn’t expect that.

If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about. Remember that they made that argument?

Too bad the Republicans growing some sanity towards surveillance is merely to protect themselves from the embarassment of being exposed as kowtowing to a traitor.

No.. an asshole is someone who drops trash in your yard... an asshole is inconsiderate & rude but not necessarily evil. Someone who owns / runs a massive social media network and allows child porn on it and does little to nothing to stop it? That’s evil... not an asshole... Facebook is run by evil people if they allow

Wow...further proof that those who run Facebook are simply complete assholes. BBC should have reported Facebook for receiving child porn just to stick it to them. Technically Facebook did ask for the pictures, which is *also* illegal. Just wow...