Free Range Gray

Remember all those protest voters and nonvoters that said both candidates were the same? Yeah FUCK THEM!!

they’re called Trumpanzees- shrieking wildly and flinging their crap with mad abandon

One agency? I’m pretty sure Trump is holding 2 for 1 sales at this point. Buy the Department of Education, we’ll throw in the EPA.

Who tells a stranger she has “nice skin?”

Boy people sure do have a funny way of expressing their economic insecurity.

The only place to go is down under. (Tasteless joke.) Um I am okay. Headed to Ikea to my respects after their terrible tragedy a few weeks ago.

Now playing

I just want a member of the Trump administration to say this, just once to one of the four horsemen (Bannon, Preibus, Conway, spicer):

Well at least the end of the free world will be hilarious

Oh, they’ll try. But here’s the difference between Stalin and Hitler and Trump. Stalin had to deal with Russians. Hitler had to deal with Germans. Trump has to deal with Americans.

A leak about Spicer searching for leaks...

Seriously, it has to be some kind of contest between the faculty and staff at Baylor, right?

The general public: “Holy shit, Penn State had some insane and insensitive thing to say after years of sexual assault being covered up by the adults in charge in a craven attempt to protect the athletics department.”

But not in it. Too many chicks already.

So she’s suggesting that people physically assault people concerned about sexual assaults?

My cousin bought a Lexus earning 50$/hr just for holding a sign click the link—->✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩

Devos’ history textbooks will teach our kids that Tyler Durden freed the slaves diligent laborers, and we all lived happily ever after.

I bet they make a movie out of was be dark and depressing and told from the swords point of view. Plus it will have lots of Boston accents...which everyone loves.

See also: Brad Pitt, 12 Years a Slave

“At NASA, we all pee the same color.”

Yellow? Clear? Are they all equally hydrated or something?

“By the way, there’s a scene in this movie where Kevin Costner takes a crowbar to the ‘Whites Only’ bathroom sign and says, ‘At NASA, we all pee the same color.’ I can guarantee you A) That never happened, and B) Costner demanded that part be included to give himself a heroic anti-racism moment.”