Free Range Gray

The current trend seems to be heart attacks.

Orange jumpsuit perp walk, or shaved naked and surrounded by nuns with shame bells perp walk?

Yeah, I don’t *quite* believe Trump would sell us to Russia for the lols, but I absolutely believe he’d do it for the money.

This is fun:

Lucky for you it’s winter in Canada right now. Otherwise, we’d be down there setting up Tim Hortons everywhere and making sure everyone has universal health care. Sorry!

Nixon on meth.

Nah, we’ve got too many guns out here in the West. All over, really. No military will dominate us, but I have no doubt many American warlords, strongmen, chieftans, and barons will rise out of a civil war.

If we aren’t taken over by Canada, I’ll prolly just move there. Grandfather was from Ontario.

Woo! I’m in the part slated to be ruled by Canada! YAAAAAAY!

While this is completely ludicrous and demonstrates no understanding whatsoever of Midwestern culture, I don’t completely mind the prospect of being part of Canada.

I’m in the section going to Canada. Can’t say I’d have much complaints.

I’m in the portion of the U.S. scheduled to be conquered by China in the inevitable dissolution of the Union and my feelings are kind of like “Well, at least the dictator running our lives won’t be incompetent...”

So when will Comey be put on trial for using the intelligence agency to push a political agenda? It’s become obvious he ignored the investigation into Trump and his staffs ties to Russia and lied publicly that they found nothing, meanwhile informs everyone about Weiners emails may or may not contain information about


Leaks suggesting that Trump is unhappy with Spicer’s work are allegedly coming from her

She shouldn’t be banned anywhere. Let her come on national television and dig her own grave, over and over and over again. Her appearances make for awesome viral videos and they help erode the public’s trust in the Administration. How does banning her help our cause? I pray she never gets fired. She could be replaced

Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”

“But but rich people won’t steal! And he has nice daughters!”.

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.