Free Range Gray

This is a rookie mistake. The spine of the old god is meant to be installed as part of the building foundation, not a center piece in the bloody lobby. The dark one’s will can cause headaches and nausea when the dosage is this high!

Theoretically possible if space based.

I kinda want a “William Turton Watch, Day X” series written by Palmer Luckey.

and how is work proceeding on the fudge ripple detector

“I think we’re opening a window to the universe.”

And now we have tons of free porn too. What a time to be alive!

Yes -- lots of Song of Solomon ...

Anything that browser tells you is a damn, dirty lie! I spend my time online looking up Bible verses, and that’s all!

Rams are giving up 6.9 yards per plays to the Saints.

Michigan Does Butt Stuff

“Khakis are stupid”

Chubby tousle-haired blond screws 300 million. Film at Eleven.

Surprise! The womans husband had just left his favorite “home video” in the VHS.

Like, really? Are you really going to do this? The tweet literally reads “KKK go Trump”. Are you thick?

I bet it was a pesky “minority” that took her phone to frame her for racism. How dare they. This is why Lili is going to petition the school to prevent minorities from registering for classes. Stopping minorities is the only way to end racism. Lili’s boyfriend, Jake, told her all about it. The plight of the proud

Yes, but the Nazis tried to do it for the *right* reasons, whereas the EU wants to take over Britain because of...bendy bananas? I think it was bendy bananas.

“At his home, police uncovered a large collection of Nazi memorabilia and material.”

Conservatism: Pushing back against objective reality since St Ronald of Reagan descended from capitalist heaven in the year of our lord, nineteen hundred and eighty.