Free Range Gray

I’m in New York. For me, Canada has always been this mythical land of plaid, forests with trees that cry syrup and deadly natives that kill you with kindness. Like Narnia for shut-ins. You’ve just reinforced it.

Don’t make fun of our vowels and I won’t make fun of yours. Our laptops are made by blackberry and, like enforced wearing of lululemon we must purchase them all. It’s basically a soviet gulag up here. We can only clean our bathrooms once a month when the lysol shipments from the usa arrive. someone send help. or build

Prosecutors usually enjoy so many advantages, they don’t have to play their A-game as often and get worked by competent defense counsels. Just think - they cherry-pick cases where they will win or are really high profile, defendants are usually desperate and can’t afford to waste time with jail/court system, public

That reminds me of a fun anecdote I heard a while back:

Yeah, but she’s a white woman with money, so it’s different.

Poor Bristol. She’s always the babymama, never the bride.

They brought the case in an effort to get Thabo to plea out, which would in turn hurt his chances in a civil suit. Thabo didn’t take the bait. Now he will likely win his civil suit and the NY taxpayers will have to foot the bill for more police incompetence.

We NYers pay $$ for our police department’s mendacity. Per usual.

Three charges and the jury deliberated an hour. This is a jury’s way of saying the prosecutor’s case was a joke.

But... but.. but... It’s all de Blasio’s fault. The NYPD has never done anything wrong.

Now he can claim big in a civil lawsuit! I wonder if his team Atlanta Hawks can also sue the city of NY for injuring one of their assets and thus causing a temporary loss?

So now straight 15 year old boys are literally becoming sexual terrorists. And yet, somehow the gays are the downfall of civilization.

Yep, same thing with upskirt shots. You can easily get much more revealing photos on porn sites, but the appeal of the upskirt photos is that they don’t have the consent of the person whose picture is being taken.

Boys will be boys! It was just an isolated incident! The problem isn’t how easily this child got guns, it’s mental illness! You’re all overreacting SJWs! Those girls shouldn’t have been dressed so provocatively! Have a sense of humor, it was just talk! Stop restricting his freedom of speech!

Clearly, he’s a white kid. If he were a kid of color, he’d either be a terrorist or an inner-city gang threat. /s

Once again, with gusto!

When I first read this story, I got mad at the kid, until I took a step back and thought to myself, “Hey! The good guys won and nobody got hurt, for a change!”

I imagine the weight of a gun would make certain cheerleading moves rather difficult, if not impossible, but that’s the price we pay for freedom!

“Blah blah blah why would you send nudes if you don’t want people seeing them blah blah”

Jesus kid get your nudes from the internet like the rest of us.