Free Range Gray

If you throw out Moses and Jesus, it’s entirely appropriate to compare him to Churchill or Lincoln. Especially to Churchill, since he had his own propaganda machine and was involved in a lot of seedy shit during the war. He’s basically a sports politician, so comparing him to any president/head of state isn’t that big

IMG, I love ya, baby, but let’s not put Katie Couric up there with Edward R. Murrow.

+1. This slayed me.

3) Buffalo Bill was a serial killer!

1) Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist; not an accused rapist.

Mayweather: Great interview Katie. Thanks for sticking to the script.

It’s amazing that you strung together so many words, yet managed to dodge making a point like you’re some kind of word-salad matador.

BTW, Couric is not exactly Charlie Rose or Rachel Maddow.

I won’t spend money to watch the fight because I don’t want to support either of these people, but I am rooting for Pacquiao. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a homophobic bigot, and I’m not a fan of him at all, but in his case, I think some of those views are a product of his religious upbringing. I don’t give him a pass for

Sure, or we can have David Blatt be president and get a million daily hot takes on "What's wrong with America". LeBron is obviously Dick Cheney in this scenario.

This plan is fundamentally sound, but boring.

The sublimeyness of this post is wonderful. Thank you.

C’mon. If the Lakers can relocate to LA, why can’t Rivers?

Same, I'm laughing my arse off thinking about tourists coming here hoping for charming English gents and being faced with the reality of the average British knobhead.

I am English and find the idea that my homeland might be a destination for sexual awakening HILARIOUS.


Imagine how many traffic fines it will take to make up the public’s end of the money!

Hey, we are all for this democracy thing; just as long as it doesn’t get in the way of theft.

No, he's saying that summary execution is just a consequence of being black and running for your life in America. Duh.

Seriously, why would a black man feel threatened by a white authority figure in the state where the Civil War started?

Zero for the victim, all of them for the murderer.