
Climate change is the trend of the climate in which we live and it’s historical movements. Its existence is not up for debate.

What is surprising is that Charles and David Koch went to MIT, so you’d thinkthey’d be rational, logical human beings who base their ideas on science and, you know, facts.

Narcissistic asshole.

Yep, don’t like driving? Good, stay off the roads so I can continue to enjoy it

This is some truly horrible wikipedia-based writing... let me help:

Please, give me stories on technology. If I want a political story, I’ll go to NY TIMES, LA TIMES, POLITICO, DRUDGE or HUFFPO.

Does anyone else see Genesis Coupe at this angle?

Reminds me of an old joke:

“There’s actually very little red tape involved in the FCC’s net neutrality rules. The rules are basically written to preserve the internet as it currently exists which, it should be made clear, is pretty unregulated. (More on this in a second.) You might call the provisions to prohibit internet fast lanes, traffic

Watched the first few minutes...these people are all obnoxious.

Wow, someone must have recently mounted a Yakima bike rack onto the roof of his Prius. If you don't have a similar response to someone intentionally performing a dick move like this, then you should probably stay on Jezebel and read how to comfort your girlfriend when she gets menstrual cramps.

For a midsize family sedan, it’s pretty good looking.

What? You sound like an over-sensitive white person. Nobody made mention of race, or insinuated he can't manage money because he's black (??)

I hope someone sets this up as a trust and he's not just getting this dump of cash on him. He's going to get so abused by people trying to take advantage of his windfall.

Its not because there is no manual option. Thats just what journalists want to think so they can explain it.

Neutral: If Not The Gas Tax What? If you think I'm wrong about raising the gas tax what's your alternative?

i miss buttons :(

Lucky the feds have that whole southern border thing under control and can waste their time on hyper important things. Good job ICE!!

The Soviet Union was emboldened by a United States weakened by President Carter's very liberal policies of 1976 through 1980. That's when Reagan assumed the Presidency. He was dealing with bleed-over Russian boldness. And his gamble, to engage the Soviet Union in an arms race, won the Cold War. He knew free market