
This guy gets it. There's not some big conspiracy here. Anyone in hiring knows that if you are a "qualified" minority with the same resume as a white male applicant, you have an even better chance of being hired at most major companies. Qualified is the key word here. Simply put, there aren't as many qualified women

1st Gear: Ford Sucks, GM Is Better

Of course, Republicans are against it.

Can we please leave the race baiting to Gawker/Jez and just focus on cars and shit here? Please?

Keep that liberal Gawker navel-gazing bullshit away from here, please. I'm fully aware of its existence and if I'm interested in reading what they have to say, I am also capable of typing '' into my address bar. We do not need to see their crap on Jalopnik.

That article was the most one sided and offensive articles I have ever read. To simply allude that you either think that Zimmerman is guilty or you are "frothing racist" is utterly unbelievable. To suggest that I take pleasure in the fact that another human being is dead is repulsive. This type of reporting is exactly

Why is this garbage being fed onto Jalopnik? Not only is it not car related, it's essentially an emotional rambling. There's nothing even remotely Jalopnik about the entire thing.