“The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim” means “The the Angels Angels of Anaheim”
“The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim” means “The the Angels Angels of Anaheim”
Oddly, the only Knicks jersey I’ve ever owned was a Greg Anthony (?!?) replica that I used to wear to basketball practice. That was an odd choice.
Moderately surprised he didn’t trot out some holocaust survivors to say they were fine with the slogan.
The common argument against gun control is that if you outlaw guns, only criminals will have guns. This is disproved regularly in Canada, a country that has pretty moderate rules regarding hunting weapons, but strict ones concerning handguns and automatic assault weapons. If you outlaw guns, they become very…
Until he changes his name to Poorbum Conspicuous, yeah.
Everybody talks about wins and Cy Youngs, but you have to take Mussina’s career in context: He pitched in “murderer’s row”, the AL east of the 1980s. He was in the toughest division and matched up against other team’s aces time and again. Had he played somewhere else the bulk of his career, he’d easily be over 300…
The Manny Machado Sweepstakes*
Halladay was one of my favorite players and he was truly a dominant ace of aces for a good 6-7 years. But he really fell off a cliff at the end of his career and I think he’s a borderline case at best. Certainly not a 93% first-balloter.
1) Halladay was more dominant in his era — 2x CY Young, 8x AS vs. 5x for Mussina, a couple top-10 MVP finishes.
Tell your old man to drag Bruce Lee around the Game of Death...
You have him mistaken with someone else. He’s an airline pilot.
What idiot called it an unreliable supercomputer and not That Shit Cray
shit yeah! Here’s some other things they should bring back:
Old guy says players don’t have the same fundamentals as they used to...story at 11!
*Aaron Hernandez convicted of murder*
don’t forget this classic:
Noah, Joakim: DNP (Too high to jump)
It’s something one would think they’d have called out in weigh-ins then, not just before the match starts. I wrestled in PA (not sure how it works in NJ, of course, but I’d assume it’s similar), but refs gave quick checks of our torsos for rashes, checked fingernails for length, etc. I’m surprised it wasn’t called out…
No that is not true (and I suspect you know it).
My man, I’m a Yankees fan who was a few weeks short of my 16th birthday when they won it all in 1996. I am well versed in the legend of Mo Rivera. I’ve witnessed his work in all phases of his career. His ERA+ is godlike. His work in the playoffs is beyond reproach, and in a position with tremendous flucuation he was…