Theophilus Grimsby (will suck balls for an ungreying)

TO G/O MEDIA: I’m a person who fits right smack dab in the middle of the most coveted advertising demo. This post is indicative of the content I have most enjoyed from this site over the past 10 years that I’ve been a regular visitor. Please allow your very talented writers to continue doing this sort of work, and I

Flushed it down the toilet. 

What?  No way.  The Jets’ team doctor rubbed dirt on the shoulder several times, so he should’ve been good to go!

Good for him. I hope he drags them to court if they withhold his salary. It’s his body and he should make the decision. If they were indeed going to bench him, it makes even more sense that he’d want to get the surgery done now. He could spend the next 2 months healing and rehabbing for next season, or spend it on the


“Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought something like this would happen to me, because I am a dog."

Too bad. Because when you mentioned the part about the dog and this hot mom, it sounded like it was going somewhere titillating.

I had a buddy in college who dated a girl whose mother looked like Joe West. She used to come home after work, drink beer and fall asleep in front of the TV.

Hmm. That’s all I got from what Drew wrote. It’s definitely been covered. 

I’m a Patriots fan and I approve this message.

Ahem...Fuck Tom Brady.

The media may not be to blame for that, but they are responsible for the fucked up game of Where’s Waldo I have to play to find the fucking autoplay video blocking the sound from a video I, ya know, actually want to hear.

He exploited loopholes in the Laws of Nature. Technically, they tortured themselves.

Good Head, Boner Combine To Get FCUM All Over The Internet

It’s about the deputy feeling disrespected I’d wager.

You think he is distracted now, wait till he sees the guy that followed her out.

We’ve stuck with the original spelling of aluminum. The “ium” version came from a British attempt to standardize the spelling of various metals.

I agree with the first part but aluminum, aluminium, and alumium are technically all correct names that the apparently non-committal Sir Humphrey Davy gave to the metal he discovered. I wonder how many names his children had through their lives.

I’m glad the Twitter feed you linked is picking up on something that I haven’t been able to unsee since it was pointed out to me.

First they came for Ivanka, and I said nothing, because she seemed like she was still doing OK.